Think I may have found a design for my first tattoo. I've been looking for a while but I want something at least semi-original that fits who I am. Let me know what you think.
Life is good... Bouncing back from a low so quickly is awesome. I can't wait 'til tomorrow! I don't have anything planned just looking forward to a new day. biggrin
ooo aaa Best night I \'ve had in a long time. Would have been even better if the girl I met at the bar didn't have a b/f. Oh well... I loved talking to her she was awesome. I'm glad I can at least be her friend. She completely brought me out of my stupid and over dramatic angsty mood. Thank god (for lack of a better...
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Standing in a crowed yet alone... Could have gone home with a few different girls but just not feelin it. Home alone sober... Is this my life now? whatever
Hear I am posting a blog that no one will read... Symbolizes my life... I'm here but no one really knows, and the few that do don't really care. Ok so I'm a little angsty right now.. Woe is me... pain.. hurt... suffering... I just want to go out and have some fun but all my friends are busy. Guess it's time to drink alone.....
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Life sux!

Just broke up with my g/f now I have to find a roommate. Someone already tried to scam me about it. At least I caught on before I anything bad happened. frown