Never have I ever...
thrown the torn trash bag of dog poo into the dumpster and had diarrhea splash out onto my shirt and pantsleg and scrubbed the garments with paper towels and windex and worn them to lunch and leaned away from the server and gagged the whole hour because of the smell.
thrown the torn trash bag of dog poo into the dumpster and had diarrhea splash out onto my shirt and pantsleg and scrubbed the garments with paper towels and windex and worn them to lunch and leaned away from the server and gagged the whole hour because of the smell.
Also: thanks for the birthday-yay-ay wishes!
Also: analog/digital fortune has an odd mystique that has my approval in spite of it's "proverb" category. A rare gem, good find.
Also: Never have I ever been cleaning up dog diarrhea on my hands and knees all week, to the point that I ended up clogging my own toilet with it, and have used up over a bajillion paper towels. Actually, in retrospect,, I have. Poor carpet. But nothing like your diarrhea mess, my sympathies...
bear is a through and through mutt.
and hello, by the way. i can't wait for your set.