isabel has created these lovely critters (guess who?):
and i've been tagged.
1. i can't wait to get an operation on my right bunion. they'll put a pin in to straighten the toe.
2. i'm obsessed with Slavs.
3. i have touched: danzig, iggy pop, edgar meyer, and dave grohl.
4. in high school i peed on my friend's carpet because we were in a fight. she made me clean it up with two paper towels and kicked me out of her house. we're fast friends to this day.
5. while practicing veganism, i have worked on a pig farm and in a service deli.
6. i have a severe elektra complex.
7. i play the bonang kettles in a javanese gamelan.
8. in high school i got bitten in the abdomen by a gelding who wanted the feed in the bucket i was holding. i had a lumpy scar from it for about 3 years.
9. i simultaneously love and hate degas.
10. i have an arm fetish.
11. i have a body-mass-index-strictly-less-than-17 fetish.
12. i wish they made permanent hair dye in non-hair colors, e.g. green.
13. i cut off my armpit mole with scissors in 2002. it hasn't grown back.
14. i love hushpuppies. they're a food, for those who don't know.
15. when i was 10 i cross-dressed for my 4th grade class's colonial day activities, causing my teacher to call my mother and express her concern that i was a lesbian.
16. i wish men wore camisoles.
17. among the horrifying musical acts i've seen are tori amos, semisonic, smashmouth, better than ezra, chalk farm, the indigo girls, g love and special sauce, staind, moby, and marcy playground. i hasten to add that many of these opened for un-horrifying musical acts and that i saw many of them years and years ago.
18. i lost all of my baby teeth by age 10, had braces from 5th grade to 7th grade, and had my wisdom teeth removed at 15.
19. i know the latin names for white pine, sweet gum, and yellow poplar.
20. i like the lakers because they wear purple uniforms.
i tag isabel because she's mysterious.

and i've been tagged.
1. i can't wait to get an operation on my right bunion. they'll put a pin in to straighten the toe.
2. i'm obsessed with Slavs.
3. i have touched: danzig, iggy pop, edgar meyer, and dave grohl.
4. in high school i peed on my friend's carpet because we were in a fight. she made me clean it up with two paper towels and kicked me out of her house. we're fast friends to this day.
5. while practicing veganism, i have worked on a pig farm and in a service deli.
6. i have a severe elektra complex.
7. i play the bonang kettles in a javanese gamelan.
8. in high school i got bitten in the abdomen by a gelding who wanted the feed in the bucket i was holding. i had a lumpy scar from it for about 3 years.
9. i simultaneously love and hate degas.
10. i have an arm fetish.
11. i have a body-mass-index-strictly-less-than-17 fetish.
12. i wish they made permanent hair dye in non-hair colors, e.g. green.
13. i cut off my armpit mole with scissors in 2002. it hasn't grown back.
14. i love hushpuppies. they're a food, for those who don't know.
15. when i was 10 i cross-dressed for my 4th grade class's colonial day activities, causing my teacher to call my mother and express her concern that i was a lesbian.
16. i wish men wore camisoles.
17. among the horrifying musical acts i've seen are tori amos, semisonic, smashmouth, better than ezra, chalk farm, the indigo girls, g love and special sauce, staind, moby, and marcy playground. i hasten to add that many of these opened for un-horrifying musical acts and that i saw many of them years and years ago.
18. i lost all of my baby teeth by age 10, had braces from 5th grade to 7th grade, and had my wisdom teeth removed at 15.
19. i know the latin names for white pine, sweet gum, and yellow poplar.
20. i like the lakers because they wear purple uniforms.
i tag isabel because she's mysterious.
i've never even heard of Corona Lite
at a bar or a pub here its minimum $5 for a Corona.. you can get a 6 pack for about $14
dont no if Zo has any allergies yet... she loves animals and she hugs them and kisses them and nothing bad has occured yet... animals i cant even be near, unless i wanna have my throat swell closed
when i was 5 my dad took me out to the farm to ride a horse... i almost died
horses = bad for Slam
thats when i found out how bad my allergies were... i did it again when i was 9
i love animals... basically i was feeding a horse some hay in a dusty old barn and i woke up about 3 days later in intensive care with a bunch of hoses stickin outta me
i'm allergic to horses and hay and dust
[Edited on Nov 04, 2005 12:28AM]