I worked that town like nobaody's business. I must have been to every point of it imaginable. I think this was the only trip i've ever been on where i got to do everything i set out to do. The best thing was the La Brea tar pits, i haven't gone there in years. But the very best thing wuz seeing bEe!!!! She is the hottest jellyfish ever!
Viva Las Vegas:
I fucking hate that town, but i had an alright time. Most of it was spent drinking in the street dressed as Audrey Hepburn. I'll post a pic one day. I enjoyed the drive more than the trip itself. There's nothing like going 40 miles out of the way because we didn't get the right offramp.
I Ache:
My uncle fucking died. I hardly knew him, but what i knew i loved. The sweetest old man in the world. And i don't even get to go to the funeral, how could i when it's tomorrow in Manchester.
I worked that town like nobaody's business. I must have been to every point of it imaginable. I think this was the only trip i've ever been on where i got to do everything i set out to do. The best thing was the La Brea tar pits, i haven't gone there in years. But the very best thing wuz seeing bEe!!!! She is the hottest jellyfish ever!
Viva Las Vegas:
I fucking hate that town, but i had an alright time. Most of it was spent drinking in the street dressed as Audrey Hepburn. I'll post a pic one day. I enjoyed the drive more than the trip itself. There's nothing like going 40 miles out of the way because we didn't get the right offramp.
I Ache:
My uncle fucking died. I hardly knew him, but what i knew i loved. The sweetest old man in the world. And i don't even get to go to the funeral, how could i when it's tomorrow in Manchester.
oh im sorry about your uncle my love.
i'm sorry, too! i've never been to a funeral before. i'm sure he will hear you if you say goodbye from all the way over here.