Enough club pictures and stories of random missions. Maybe you'd actually like to know real Q stuff. Which brings me to today's segment of 'stuff that you don't know about Q'.
I'm a knitwear major. I know that makes me sound like an old lady, but trust me, we knitwear people live on the fly. Making life and death decisions everyday! Like the time i got my arm stuck on a knitting machine, 6 needles stuck in my arm, and then i had to rip my arm off. Just the other day in my ninja stars and knitting needles throwing class, my sensei was telling me how she lost her eye to an evil knitting machine.
I shower in the dark. I have blue eyes, all light causes me extreme discomfort. I never leave the house without sunglasses. So when i wake up, it's just so much more relaxing to shower with the lights off. Unfortunately i also have an overactive imagination, i'm sure one day when i do the 'look in the mirror, look away, look back' there will be a ghost behind me in the 'look back in the mirror' stage.
I wear a mouthguard at night. Every morning i wake up with a jaw so clenched, you would think that a xenomorph with a cheese grater was peeling my skin off. My teeth are so ground down that i can't even bite through a mushroom.
When i'm alone at home, i either talk to the cats or my shoes. I really could never explain the shoes thing to you.
I cannot eat crusts, on anything. Be it a sandwich, bagel, cucumber slice, toast, pie, etc. I will not eat the crust. I do not know why.
The only things that i truely fear are grasshoppers and people with beards. When i see grasshoppers i run, i can't even look at a picture of one. Which is ridiculous, because i am fine with catching spiders and mice, and releasing them outside. But grasshoppers will make me burst into tears. And people with beards are just scary. Where is their mouth?? You may never know.
So that's that.
And also, give this set some love, because it makes me happy!
Q-Fall of Samael
I'm a knitwear major. I know that makes me sound like an old lady, but trust me, we knitwear people live on the fly. Making life and death decisions everyday! Like the time i got my arm stuck on a knitting machine, 6 needles stuck in my arm, and then i had to rip my arm off. Just the other day in my ninja stars and knitting needles throwing class, my sensei was telling me how she lost her eye to an evil knitting machine.
I shower in the dark. I have blue eyes, all light causes me extreme discomfort. I never leave the house without sunglasses. So when i wake up, it's just so much more relaxing to shower with the lights off. Unfortunately i also have an overactive imagination, i'm sure one day when i do the 'look in the mirror, look away, look back' there will be a ghost behind me in the 'look back in the mirror' stage.
I wear a mouthguard at night. Every morning i wake up with a jaw so clenched, you would think that a xenomorph with a cheese grater was peeling my skin off. My teeth are so ground down that i can't even bite through a mushroom.
When i'm alone at home, i either talk to the cats or my shoes. I really could never explain the shoes thing to you.
I cannot eat crusts, on anything. Be it a sandwich, bagel, cucumber slice, toast, pie, etc. I will not eat the crust. I do not know why.
The only things that i truely fear are grasshoppers and people with beards. When i see grasshoppers i run, i can't even look at a picture of one. Which is ridiculous, because i am fine with catching spiders and mice, and releasing them outside. But grasshoppers will make me burst into tears. And people with beards are just scary. Where is their mouth?? You may never know.
So that's that.
And also, give this set some love, because it makes me happy!
Q-Fall of Samael
Oh and people with beards are called men, or sideshow performers. Don't ever trust either one.