It's super late. And i'm working on a project i hate. Never before have i ever wanted to burn everything i've ever created to purge myself of this feeling of uselessness. I feel as if all my art is just selfish, and i'm not doing anything worthwhile outside myself. While diving into a money driven industry, how can i ever possibly help anyone but myself? I wish i had gone into a feild that could befefit people less fortunate. I wish i still had time to volunteer, even though i used to work with people who had alzheimers, maybe i made some difference? Even if they didn't remember me? This life in this country is wearing me down. I want to be able to actually go to a doctor to check out my mutiple ailments, but i can't even afford it.
The sad thing is, i love what i'm doing, but i know that it has no practical use, it can't help anybody, and that is overwhelming me.
But then all the things come out of corners. The static that reminds her that soon, it'l be just her and them, in the big box, screaming with eyes. Break in half, across the globe, sturdy feet, and broken bones. All the clutter will leave the space and appear in the head. Everythings burnt but nothing's on fire.
The sad thing is, i love what i'm doing, but i know that it has no practical use, it can't help anybody, and that is overwhelming me.
But then all the things come out of corners. The static that reminds her that soon, it'l be just her and them, in the big box, screaming with eyes. Break in half, across the globe, sturdy feet, and broken bones. All the clutter will leave the space and appear in the head. Everythings burnt but nothing's on fire.
also, you can still help out and contribute to the greater good if you so choose, even if it's little things. don't feel so bad.