Sooooooo, my new set was rejected. I am sad. I must have forgot to add that clinching shot where i shove a watermelon up my ass and spit out the seeds. Le sigh. So go comment on it so i can go on a trip and be a happy bean!
Gutter Geisha
It was shot by Stevie Prue, and even has a cameo of Nixon and Surf, cause cameos are the new black.
and my fave pics
Gutter Geisha
It was shot by Stevie Prue, and even has a cameo of Nixon and Surf, cause cameos are the new black.
and my fave pics
Ridiculously so in fact...
You should definitely post it in the rejected sets area (if you haven't already). I've no doubt it would make it on for sure!
This set really rocks.
I like the theme.
Quality is high and constant.
Enough different angles.
This one MUST be chosen from the SC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!