So as we all know there are plenty of fish out there, but to be honest we have a very small pond from which we can actually fish. Granted there are ways such as internet dating(but one bad experience usually tends to ruin that for people). Age, race, preference also play a role varying from slight to vastly important. There are also many other factors that can be added when finding "the one"
For reference ill use myself I would like to think I am not hideous but I do have my flaws. I am a 5'2 male which from jump isn't really attractive to most women. I live in a small town in Louisiana which comes with it racist undertones and opinions that are almost genetic. I am mixed myself and I went to a private school till high school so to most black people I am to use a phrase "too white" for most black girls around. On the opposite end of the spectrum I am "too black" due to skin color and parental opinion.
Now aside from physical attraction and first impressions which I never get past usually most of the said fish who do accept me for what I am and like it. They tend to place me in the funnest category that a man can be placed which is the friend. Due to how nice I am and friendly I come off.
So this hasn't been to rant or sob about my personal troubles in finding a significant other, but to ask the question. When does it become apparent that maybe that one in a million person for you may not exist or that you may never meet them or worst of all never get that chance to meet them on terms that make it possible to develop a relationship?