My uterus hates me. It's official. The other night it tried to break through my lower back and escape from my body. I battled it however, and I locked it into the prison that is my abdomen for the rest of my life! (Or at least until I've popped out a couple kids... then I might set it free.) It is an indentured servant. It wasn't very happy about this, so I had to punch it and beat it into submission.
My day sucked ass, mostly. It's difficult to explain to some people that their $63 a month premium for their medical insurance is not going to cover every procedure at 100%. Sorry. I had a lot of people yell at me today which is always sad because I'm such a nice and happy person. I'm always so polite. I really have a problem with the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida though. They were all so grumpy! I'm calling from one of your sister plans you dick! Be nice to me! Was he? Of course not. I thought that sunshine made people happy. Isn't it sunny in Florida?
I'm very excited for the weekend of the 17th. My friend, Kim, is coming home to visit! We got a room at the Pan Pacific hotel in Seattle and we're going to go see the Decemberists with some of the Seattle SG Crew. I haven't seen Tawnya or Samling in literally years. It'll be good to knock back a couple with them and meet some of the new members of the group. It'll be a great weekend. I'm even getting a rental car for the occasion so that I don't have to risk driving my piece of shit Suzuki Sidekick around. I'd rather destroy a newer car anyway.
My brother is awesome for letting me use his iPod for the trip.
I want an iPod for my birthday. My old one died and fucking Mac didn't uphold their warranty service agreement. I sent it in to get it fixed and they said nothing was wrong with it but when I got it back there was definitely something wrong with it because I COULDN'T TURN IT ON. I was pissed. SO basically I just threw it away. Now I want a black 30 GB one. I told my mom. She should get it for me.
Ok. I need to sleep. My tail bone is killing me. Bonsoir!
My day sucked ass, mostly. It's difficult to explain to some people that their $63 a month premium for their medical insurance is not going to cover every procedure at 100%. Sorry. I had a lot of people yell at me today which is always sad because I'm such a nice and happy person. I'm always so polite. I really have a problem with the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida though. They were all so grumpy! I'm calling from one of your sister plans you dick! Be nice to me! Was he? Of course not. I thought that sunshine made people happy. Isn't it sunny in Florida?
I'm very excited for the weekend of the 17th. My friend, Kim, is coming home to visit! We got a room at the Pan Pacific hotel in Seattle and we're going to go see the Decemberists with some of the Seattle SG Crew. I haven't seen Tawnya or Samling in literally years. It'll be good to knock back a couple with them and meet some of the new members of the group. It'll be a great weekend. I'm even getting a rental car for the occasion so that I don't have to risk driving my piece of shit Suzuki Sidekick around. I'd rather destroy a newer car anyway.
My brother is awesome for letting me use his iPod for the trip.
I want an iPod for my birthday. My old one died and fucking Mac didn't uphold their warranty service agreement. I sent it in to get it fixed and they said nothing was wrong with it but when I got it back there was definitely something wrong with it because I COULDN'T TURN IT ON. I was pissed. SO basically I just threw it away. Now I want a black 30 GB one. I told my mom. She should get it for me.
Ok. I need to sleep. My tail bone is killing me. Bonsoir!
Way to go with winning the uterus battle! You'll have to teach me your skills. Mine tried to escape out of my VAGINA the other day. *shakes head*
Well if you ever lose that fight, let me know. Some spanish lady on the bus one day gave me her uterus, she said she didn't want it anymore. It's in pretty good shape, the directions just aren't in english, so I couldn't figure out how it works.