Hello SG land, sorry it's been so long since we last spoke but life has been a little chaotic. I'll give you a quick rundown to catch you up.

First my friend from New York moved out here in the middle of October right when my project at SCEA ended. Thankfully my mom let her move in with us for awhile and I started my...
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Alright, so I promised an update and here it is.

Most of you probably read (assuming you read these) that I'm working for SONY at the moment. More specifically SCEA as a QA tester. That means I get to play all those great games as they are being made and work on making sure you can get the best game you can. Been there since...
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I owe you people a blog and I'll get on it tomorrow. It's my Friday tomorrow and I'm working a 13 hour shift on a holiday. Please just bare with me.
Holy shit it's been awhile since I've written a blog. Let me see what I can do to catch you all up on what's going on. Been working at Sony for the last few weeks and it'a actually bee a lot of fun. Sure it's a pain in the ass when someone steals a bug or the dev kicks one of your bugs back for...
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I've got a job!!!!

I'm now officially testing video games for Sony. Can't tell you all what I'm testing but just know that as much fun as playing video games for money is it's still work when only half the game exists. tongue

So stoked to be able to be working. As much as I liked sitting around all day and crawling the internet it's better...
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nice! congrats! smile
Got my ASVAB test date set up. Going out with my BFF to run errands and then go check on her wedding venue. Busy day. Busy busy busy. x.x
Just wanted to get on and give you guys a small update about what's going on.

Went to the Air Force recruitment office and set up an appointment for Monday. Not sure if I'll be joining for sure but it's something to look into, after all it never hurts to ask questions. Other then that I've been sending out resumes. Got ten out today and...
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Got terminated from my job today. More info later after I get my ducks in a row.
sorry about your job.
I know what it feels like to be job less. good luck.

I hope it looks awesome... or else that would be a waste of a lot of money tongue

I've tried that... and that's kind of a last resort kind of thing.

line them suckers up smile
Well this week has just been fucking wonderful so far. My bests friend ever (who the SDSG crew will meet next time there is a chance) moved back into town on what was going to be some horrible reasons but ended up not mattering and just meant she is here a month or so earlier then expected. Went out to lunch with her on Sunday...
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Man it's been a long week. Had a friend come visit last Friday and stayed through until Sunday. Went out with the SDSG crew for sausage and drinks, had a blast doing it to. Big thanks to them for letting her come along! Hit the Zoo on Saturday and just lazed around on Sunday because I was to tired to do anything else before she...
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cheers to good times!