Did anyone see OPRAH today? Holy Crap, that show made me cry. They were talking about BabyRape. That's right. Turns out in Africa, men are raping babies. They think it will cure AIDS. Like 80thousand babies (as young as 5months old) are raped by men with AIDS. And, since the babies are too young to talk and make credible witnesses, many times the men dont even go to jail for the crime.
I think if I even think about this any more I may start to cry again.
So, I will do what I do best, distract myself.
So, here are some pics.
Me and My friend Amy went to the SeaWorld Character Breakfast this morning.
And I got my boots today (I won them on ebay)
Alright, I guess that's about it. Should be a busy weekend. Work, Hael's Birthday, Batman with SGFL, lots to do.
I think if I even think about this any more I may start to cry again.
So, I will do what I do best, distract myself.
So, here are some pics.
Me and My friend Amy went to the SeaWorld Character Breakfast this morning.
And I got my boots today (I won them on ebay)
Alright, I guess that's about it. Should be a busy weekend. Work, Hael's Birthday, Batman with SGFL, lots to do.
those boots are fucking awesome!
Bad ass boots. And, umm, that snorkel guy?? He scares me.