So I got lazy on this site and have became a lurker. I am about to start a new chapter in my life by joining the U.S. Air Force. I am always being asked why do I want to join and I can not give a simple answer to it because there are many reasons to why I want to join. What I tell people is that I am doing to become stronger. I have always been a very meek person and no one expects for a 360 lbs guy to be strong, not even myself. When I was in high school, my mother left my father for a jack ass named Andrius Broshus. Now my father is not a winner himself because he cared more about his drugs than his family but he was not violent. The same could not be said about Andrius. He had been arrested several times before he met my mother for domestic abuse. One night I saw him hurting my mother on the front porch and when I went outside my mother told me to go back inside. I did as see said and cried in my bed. Just to review 360 lbs and not strong. My mother finally left him. Years later I found out that my uncle and grandfather were bad about beating on women. And at the present my cousin is in a relationship with a guy named Bill that beats her as well and I just feel helpless because I want to do something about it but can't.
I am in college at Clemson University right now and will have to give that up to join but I am sure that I can get into another college where ever I am sent. Big plus the Air Force will pay for it. They will also help with some of my old student loans.
At my time at Clemson I joined two clubs, Roots and Shoots and Cuong Nhu. Cuong Nhu is a vietnamese martial art. I have completed two of the belt test so far in it and I hold the rank of two green stripes. Being a part of this club also made me want to join the military because I really enjoy being the PT in class. and knowing that I can become stronger.
And of course there is the whole having a job thing that is really nice, especially now of days. because currently I am working part time at an exxon and I sucks balls. The job is not bad but it is just all those fucking people that think that the are so much better than I am because I am behind the register. Them acting like I must be stupid because of the shit they try to pull. I am sorry but I can not sell beer if I think there is a chance it is going to someone under 21.
Other good stuff.
I was able to finally accomplish one of my big goals for myself a couple of weeks ago and ran a whole 5K. Me and my good friend that got me to see that I can lose weight ran the 5K Take Back the Night. I was able to do the 3.1 miles in under 36 minutes.
I have been a wiccan for a while now and only a few months ago I discovered who my inner God is. And the winner is Freyr from the Norse pantheon. I think knowing this also made me want to join the military and become strong. It is interesting that I am a part fertility god though still a virgin. Though that is mainly my low self esteem from being so overweight all my life.
I took sport kenjetsu this time at Clemson because I wanted to learn to use a sword and it was cool.
I am in college at Clemson University right now and will have to give that up to join but I am sure that I can get into another college where ever I am sent. Big plus the Air Force will pay for it. They will also help with some of my old student loans.
At my time at Clemson I joined two clubs, Roots and Shoots and Cuong Nhu. Cuong Nhu is a vietnamese martial art. I have completed two of the belt test so far in it and I hold the rank of two green stripes. Being a part of this club also made me want to join the military because I really enjoy being the PT in class. and knowing that I can become stronger.
And of course there is the whole having a job thing that is really nice, especially now of days. because currently I am working part time at an exxon and I sucks balls. The job is not bad but it is just all those fucking people that think that the are so much better than I am because I am behind the register. Them acting like I must be stupid because of the shit they try to pull. I am sorry but I can not sell beer if I think there is a chance it is going to someone under 21.
Other good stuff.
I was able to finally accomplish one of my big goals for myself a couple of weeks ago and ran a whole 5K. Me and my good friend that got me to see that I can lose weight ran the 5K Take Back the Night. I was able to do the 3.1 miles in under 36 minutes.
I have been a wiccan for a while now and only a few months ago I discovered who my inner God is. And the winner is Freyr from the Norse pantheon. I think knowing this also made me want to join the military and become strong. It is interesting that I am a part fertility god though still a virgin. Though that is mainly my low self esteem from being so overweight all my life.
I took sport kenjetsu this time at Clemson because I wanted to learn to use a sword and it was cool.