Hey I've finally got the time to update my journal. Not alot of interesting stuff happening though enough to cause some ripples in my life. Had my Christmas party for work last tuesday and they decided instead of giving out bonus' they'd give us a coupon for a turkey or ham, I have two problems with that 1) I got cheated out of about $200 dollars 2) I'm a vegitarian and they know that, WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO DO WITH A TURKEY OR HAM! Needless to say the more I thought about it on the way home the madder I got. Think I'll find a new job soon. Got a early Christmas present from my sister a cute little kitten, the only problem is I'm kinda allergic to cats. But I'm keeping it anyway. It's already house trained and is a really sweet thing so I couldn't refuse. Well that's about it for this rant, later.
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Saturday Jan 03, 2004
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Wednesday Dec 31, 2003
HAPPY NEW YEAR! A little early I know, but hope that you have a great… -
Sunday Dec 28, 2003
Hope everyone had a great holiday's. Supposed to be looking into a ne… -
Wednesday Dec 24, 2003
Merry Christmas everyone! Hope that everyone has a wonderful one. Som… -
Saturday Dec 20, 2003
Well only 5 days till Christmas! I'm pretty well done with my shoppin… -
Sunday Dec 14, 2003
Hey I've finally got the time to update my journal. Not alot of inter… -
Saturday Dec 06, 2003
Weather has gotten cold and no hopes of it warming up! It's snowed a … -
Sunday Nov 30, 2003
Well I started my Christmas shopping today, yes I just started. Going…
I'd take your coupon, but I don't know if it would work in KC. Bleh.
I hate the snow, too...too much wetness and coldness about for lil' pussy me.
dude fuck that place you work at. what kinda bullshit is that????????
i would have brought in my shot gun the very next day!