The positive spin would be that I have such ambition, such drive to do something significant that all else seems paltry. In truth, I really just don't give two shits about most things.
More Blogs
Friday Dec 15, 2006
Lists continued: Punctuation Marks 1. semicolon 2. elipses 3. u… -
Friday Dec 15, 2006
Well, I might as well use it since I'm paying for it, so I'm going to… -
Tuesday Oct 31, 2006
I've been in this job for two months now and I've been in a rut since… -
Sunday Oct 29, 2006
Note to all women: intelligence is a must, good looks can never hurt,… -
Saturday Apr 29, 2006
Revelation: It is tough to journal your thoughts when you don't want … -
Saturday Apr 29, 2006
One of these days someone is going to figure out that when you say so… -
Thursday Mar 30, 2006
Sooooooooo not much to say. This is where it dawns on me that I'm not… -
Saturday Mar 18, 2006
In general, I think it is impossible for men to understand women, and… -
Thursday Mar 16, 2006
If my dreams lately are any indication of what is going on in my head… -
Wednesday Mar 15, 2006
Damn it's been a boring week.