I think I am going to start using this. I'm tired of thinking things to myself that I think are at least relatively interesting but not remembering them when talking to people. So here goes...
Silly people: Those who have doors with deadbolts but lock only the handle. Any person with above average hand strength can break most handle locks. I'm not saying a deadbolt will prevent a determined crook, but it does seem odd that if you're going to lock something that you lock the weaker one.
My picture is actually due less to me being a smartass and more to the fact that I do not have a picture of myself (or anyone else for that matter) on my computer. To get one would require not only a digital camera but way more effort than I feel like putting in. I'm not one for taking many pictures anyway. I've got a pretty decent visual memory so I rely on that.
I was talking with a guy from Chile yesterday. He's been in the States for 7 months now and brought up a couple interesting points. One thing he said he noticed a lot was hypocracy. He wasn't talking about huge stuff, just little things, like buying a Big Mac and fries with a Diet Coke, or like people with big houses not wanting to pay for good schools (an epidemic of mind boggling proportions around here). He said he also couldn't understand why people with big houses wouldn't want big yards, but then again, he also had never before heard the term "suburbia."
I am a fan of big yards. And by big I mean acres. Either that or no yard, like an urban apartment. If I'm living within 200 yards of someone else I don't want to have to mow.
But is an interesting word; it lacks an independent definition. All it is is an extension of and. It has the same meaning syntactically, all it brings is a different connotation, an implied negative. Any sentence with but in it would be grammatically correct if the but were replaced with and, but, depending on the sentence, it would have a radically different feel (this one for example).
Silly people: Those who have doors with deadbolts but lock only the handle. Any person with above average hand strength can break most handle locks. I'm not saying a deadbolt will prevent a determined crook, but it does seem odd that if you're going to lock something that you lock the weaker one.
My picture is actually due less to me being a smartass and more to the fact that I do not have a picture of myself (or anyone else for that matter) on my computer. To get one would require not only a digital camera but way more effort than I feel like putting in. I'm not one for taking many pictures anyway. I've got a pretty decent visual memory so I rely on that.
I was talking with a guy from Chile yesterday. He's been in the States for 7 months now and brought up a couple interesting points. One thing he said he noticed a lot was hypocracy. He wasn't talking about huge stuff, just little things, like buying a Big Mac and fries with a Diet Coke, or like people with big houses not wanting to pay for good schools (an epidemic of mind boggling proportions around here). He said he also couldn't understand why people with big houses wouldn't want big yards, but then again, he also had never before heard the term "suburbia."
I am a fan of big yards. And by big I mean acres. Either that or no yard, like an urban apartment. If I'm living within 200 yards of someone else I don't want to have to mow.
But is an interesting word; it lacks an independent definition. All it is is an extension of and. It has the same meaning syntactically, all it brings is a different connotation, an implied negative. Any sentence with but in it would be grammatically correct if the but were replaced with and, but, depending on the sentence, it would have a radically different feel (this one for example).