Holy Hell it's been an awesome crazy night! So I'm still getting over the lingering flu crud (cough/sorish throat) and had pretty damn good day off. Didn't do anything fancy just chilled and nerded out on WoW really. The GM's in my old long time guild have started playing again, these are the guys I made Field Marshal (basicly lost 6 months+ of my life to the void pvping) with and almost GM myself before I joined the military and BC came out. So we tore up the arenas in 2's and 3's. Then I finally got my flipping cape, since I'm not huge into raiding (mostly time restrictions) and a new wpn after the last 5-6 months. Literally nothing dropped for me ><. I could care less but I've been super jazzed to have my beloved rogue up to par! Nearly complete with the legendary chain as it is, just a few more celestials to down. Doing all that wore me out pretty good so I watched some anime than took a nap. I awoke to my buddy saying hey I just got let go from shift lets go get a few drinks! I was like sure I could do with a few, I never really get to chill with anyone else from my shift on my K-day! We show up at the squadron hooch and pretty much the entire other shift is there, which is awesome. So we grab a seat and have a few drinks. Deputy walks in and is like, 'hey why don't you have the fireplace going?!' My buddy has a reputation for doing that and I don't know why it hadn't occurred to me, I love playing with fire! So we started it up and got nice n cozy drinking beer and staring into the awesomeness that is flame. Now when I walked in I couldn't help but notice a dark haired gal in glasses with a nerdy star wars/gambling dogs shirt looking my way. The guy gal ratio out here is like 9ish to 1...on a good night. Slightly better at our hooch cause it has a reputation as a place to be. When we walked in this was very true but it improved considerably as I stared into the dancing warmth. Her friend came and chilled by the fire and then the rest of everyone (her and the other shift) all conglomerated around the fire.
Long story shorter (yeah I can write lol), we hung out all night. After our hooch closed and after several games of foosball with my nemesis (which I lost this night!) both against and as an unstoppable duo retired back to the fire (before things closed lol). Confused yet? lol Yeah, anyway we went over to the base club and continued to hang. At this point I'd had enough to drink to be in the dancing mood so to say and took full advantage of this during all the country songs. It's been awhile since I've line danced or two stepped and so it was really fun! It's always fun but the longer you go without the more exceptionally fun your next experience will be. I highly don't recommend this, do it as often as possible!...; ) It was a really good night and after it wrapped up I walked her back to her room and we made out for awhile. Shit, first time in pretty much a year now I've done that. So yay it was great. More would have been nice but also pretty much doomed. So it was plenty enough and I'm smilin. I'll definitely see her again before I go though, despite the insanity of always meeting/having fun with a gal just prior to going anywhere new when it's chances of being anything are pretty much nil. >< This fact doesn't deter me, but it's a super annoying repetitious pattern that I can't seem to shake! After that I came back, checked fb, checked here, answered stuff and bAM! It's already morning?! I could take a quick nap but I had quasi plans (yay for raiding lol) and I know I'm totally doomed if I crash for a few hours, I'll wake up like tonight! Soo I am just going to pull an all nighter and take a nap later...probably gunna jack my sleep up all to hell but hey...you're only as young as you feel and I feel like why the hell not! My eyes probably wont' agree but this will be great!
I also couldn't pass up the opportunity afforded me to write. While a few drinks does tend to be more like a lots of drinks, it's still not so often I have the pleasure of 'drunk texting' the big wide world and folks back home. It's something I try to take advantage of because I do get that much more open/awesome/crazy. Also all those funny things that mean alot to ya but you don't really comment on get out. I've replied three goodly longish messages to those lucky darlins n dude that messaged me. Nothin more fun than having numbers by your mail thingy sayin ya got some love! = ) <~~(Puts a big grin on my face!)~~see! = D One would make my old english teachers proud, it was quite lengthy and essayish despite no direct thesis and yet still having a respectable conclusionish thing...so it had a point! Which I'm entirely mostly certain was meaningful...yes it was, HA! Though it did kinda ramble and wander in, what I at least hope was, a sensible manner. Anyway, CHEERS Ya'll! This friday is pretty good so get out n enjoy it! I know cause I'm in the future (literally, it's now sat here in Korea ><)! Ha haa ha haaa! >= )