So I'm sure we've all heard a little something by now about certain people being suddenly archived.
I won't comment on that here. Because, quite simply, I fear the repercussion. I don't want to have my membership suddenly vanish. And if you've seen Punch-Drunk Love - you know not to fuck with people who have your credit card number.
work is good. I am learning and feeling like I can do well in this setting which is a good sign to me. I just hope I don't make Meph hate me via overexposure. I am hoping to find more work in a similar vein, but different location. Hooray for internal job announcements.
Assuming I don't simply vanish, I believe my membership expires (or payment is due) on or around October 5. I am as yet still undecided as to whether I will renew it. I'd like to continue here, but funds are (as ever, and more than usual) tight. Also, I am honestly not getting that much use from the site. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it, but I'm having a hard time getting geared up for the new girl sets when I know lots of great existing SGs have sets waiting. Also, I can journal for free elsewhere. If you know me, you know I'm not spending that much time on the boards as is. I'll miss the feeling of being in the know I get from being part of SGPDX. I'll miss many of you. Some of you, I won't miss. Some of you have left a bad taste in my mouth, and that inclines me more toward making no monetary contributions. After all, how best to hit someone other than in the pocketbook? Anyway, this is certainly not set in stone - let me know what you think. Perhaps if I get lots of comments saying "Don't leave!" and offering me some constructive reason why I ought to stay, I'll reconsider.
Anyway - I hope all of you are well. Have a look-see in the Pirate Thursday thread in the SGPDX group, I think a few of us are going to gather there as a precursor to the shinndig at Moody's.
I won't comment on that here. Because, quite simply, I fear the repercussion. I don't want to have my membership suddenly vanish. And if you've seen Punch-Drunk Love - you know not to fuck with people who have your credit card number.
work is good. I am learning and feeling like I can do well in this setting which is a good sign to me. I just hope I don't make Meph hate me via overexposure. I am hoping to find more work in a similar vein, but different location. Hooray for internal job announcements.
Assuming I don't simply vanish, I believe my membership expires (or payment is due) on or around October 5. I am as yet still undecided as to whether I will renew it. I'd like to continue here, but funds are (as ever, and more than usual) tight. Also, I am honestly not getting that much use from the site. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it, but I'm having a hard time getting geared up for the new girl sets when I know lots of great existing SGs have sets waiting. Also, I can journal for free elsewhere. If you know me, you know I'm not spending that much time on the boards as is. I'll miss the feeling of being in the know I get from being part of SGPDX. I'll miss many of you. Some of you, I won't miss. Some of you have left a bad taste in my mouth, and that inclines me more toward making no monetary contributions. After all, how best to hit someone other than in the pocketbook? Anyway, this is certainly not set in stone - let me know what you think. Perhaps if I get lots of comments saying "Don't leave!" and offering me some constructive reason why I ought to stay, I'll reconsider.
Anyway - I hope all of you are well. Have a look-see in the Pirate Thursday thread in the SGPDX group, I think a few of us are going to gather there as a precursor to the shinndig at Moody's.
Anyway I'll be at Embers tonight early, like 9-midnight, if my former roommie can get a babysitter. She's kidnapping me on Wednesdays 'til I leave. I'll call you later today perhaps and make plans to catch up or watch a movie or something.
As for the membership, my current roommie let hers expire when no one would write in her journal. I don't suppose I'll keep my membership when it runs out in like, what April or May. I went all out with the year long membership. I don't look at the photosets, I don't really participate in the group activities, and I don't know that my girlfriend will ever believe me when I tell her I just hang out here for the community of friends I've acquired. Nothing is set in stone, like you said, but I know where you live and how to get a hold of you. If it is pleasing to you and Meph', I shall remain in contact until such time when we agree to no longer do so. 'Sound good?
Did I mention I'm leaving PDX on Oct 5?
im also lacking in the funds and debating the whole thing as well. if you go ill make this face