hello campers and welcome to another wonderful day here at camp ________ (fill in blank with something witty).
Today was pretty good. In spite of dwindling funds, Meph and I treated ourselves to a truly ridiculous amount of sushi. It was good. And now I probably won't want sushi for 2 weeks or so.
The reason for the feast? I finally got work. Sort of. I am now employed as a "relief on-call" uh... dude I guess. I'm not sure what my job title is, I just know that for now, I'm "relief on-call".
Meph's girl congratulated me (awful nice of her, since she'll have to put up with me - heh heh heh) and then asked me if I felt nervous or excited. And I said, "No, really more like relieved." It's the truth - I'm not particularly excited to start work - but I'm not dreading it either - I am just relieved to have some kind of gainful employ. I feel like part of that huge weight on my shoulders has been lifted. Only one more thing to really sort out, and that's outta my hands.
After sushi, we went to a cool record store, and Meph scored a new Bill Hicks import and a rap CD and some good incense - our place will smell nice again! Woo hoo. They only had one copy of the Hicks import, so Meph got lucky and I got jack. But I'm pretty well resolved to find it and get a hold of one for myself. Genius that man was.
I'm kind of glad no one seems to be on IM right now - I think I'm going to go read the rest of WW and start Requiem for a Dream and then hopefully fall asleep at a decent hour tonight.
Sweet Dreams folks.
Today was pretty good. In spite of dwindling funds, Meph and I treated ourselves to a truly ridiculous amount of sushi. It was good. And now I probably won't want sushi for 2 weeks or so.
The reason for the feast? I finally got work. Sort of. I am now employed as a "relief on-call" uh... dude I guess. I'm not sure what my job title is, I just know that for now, I'm "relief on-call".
Meph's girl congratulated me (awful nice of her, since she'll have to put up with me - heh heh heh) and then asked me if I felt nervous or excited. And I said, "No, really more like relieved." It's the truth - I'm not particularly excited to start work - but I'm not dreading it either - I am just relieved to have some kind of gainful employ. I feel like part of that huge weight on my shoulders has been lifted. Only one more thing to really sort out, and that's outta my hands.
After sushi, we went to a cool record store, and Meph scored a new Bill Hicks import and a rap CD and some good incense - our place will smell nice again! Woo hoo. They only had one copy of the Hicks import, so Meph got lucky and I got jack. But I'm pretty well resolved to find it and get a hold of one for myself. Genius that man was.
I'm kind of glad no one seems to be on IM right now - I think I'm going to go read the rest of WW and start Requiem for a Dream and then hopefully fall asleep at a decent hour tonight.
Sweet Dreams folks.
whoa! job! sweet!!!!!!!!
Congrats, and I'll see you tonight.