Wha-hoah everybody.
If I seem to have been MIA lately, it's because of a combination of things, which I'll delve into slightly here.
The "presence" mentioned in the previous journal is still going strong. Meph seems to have worked some shit out, and is confident that this time around will be better. I'm not so sure, partially because I am the natural cynic when it comes to relationship stuff, and partially because I've heard all this once before - clarity or no.
I've been battling the blaster worm on my system for the last 2 days and nights straight. And man do I miss my broadband connection. Dialup sucks. But the good news is after roughly 48 hours of registry hacking, and downloading updates that I missed on Windows from as far back as last year, I think I've won the war. Thanks on this one go exclusively to an old college friend who was kind enough to do over the cellphone tech support with me for free. Bless his little black heart. He saved a poor pirate $80.
When I haven't been doing extensive computer work here these last 2 days, I've been at the DMV. At least my car and I are now offical looking residents and not simply idiot tourists. The DMV taught me this axiom for life: Never underestimate the value of a good receptionist. Enough said.
For some reason last night I hit the point of being so tired I couldn't sleep. It really was not cool. Hopefully that won't happen tonight. I am looking very much forward to pirate drinking tomorrow - I hope to see many of you there.
The largest of my current stresses - I am still unemployed - and money is definitely starting to run low. And I need to go get some auto and renter's insurance. Soon. Dammit.
Well to finish this off - I'm getting kinda lonely - Meph works a lot and there's not much I can do, as my funds are low, but I'm still looking to not be bored. What a catch 22. Hence my excitement for pirate drinking tomorrow night.
How's everybody else? Enough of my shit already...
If I seem to have been MIA lately, it's because of a combination of things, which I'll delve into slightly here.
The "presence" mentioned in the previous journal is still going strong. Meph seems to have worked some shit out, and is confident that this time around will be better. I'm not so sure, partially because I am the natural cynic when it comes to relationship stuff, and partially because I've heard all this once before - clarity or no.
I've been battling the blaster worm on my system for the last 2 days and nights straight. And man do I miss my broadband connection. Dialup sucks. But the good news is after roughly 48 hours of registry hacking, and downloading updates that I missed on Windows from as far back as last year, I think I've won the war. Thanks on this one go exclusively to an old college friend who was kind enough to do over the cellphone tech support with me for free. Bless his little black heart. He saved a poor pirate $80.
When I haven't been doing extensive computer work here these last 2 days, I've been at the DMV. At least my car and I are now offical looking residents and not simply idiot tourists. The DMV taught me this axiom for life: Never underestimate the value of a good receptionist. Enough said.
For some reason last night I hit the point of being so tired I couldn't sleep. It really was not cool. Hopefully that won't happen tonight. I am looking very much forward to pirate drinking tomorrow - I hope to see many of you there.
The largest of my current stresses - I am still unemployed - and money is definitely starting to run low. And I need to go get some auto and renter's insurance. Soon. Dammit.
Well to finish this off - I'm getting kinda lonely - Meph works a lot and there's not much I can do, as my funds are low, but I'm still looking to not be bored. What a catch 22. Hence my excitement for pirate drinking tomorrow night.
How's everybody else? Enough of my shit already...

I'm right there with you p. willy. I forgot about pirate drinking tonight. I think I might join you for a drink. See you then.