really want to post - stuff to say - really busy - maybe in a couple days - thanks to MistressXXV and DemiGauge for still stopping by - Thursday's new set kicks ass, congratulations babe. So much to do, so little time - solisis is intriguing. Back soon...
More Blogs
Friday Sep 12, 2003
Another way this Saturday night could be worse, Tyler tells me in the… -
Tuesday Sep 09, 2003
Oh thank holy jeebus christ on a fucking popsicle cross that it final… -
Saturday Sep 06, 2003
How's everybody been? Okay? Seems like lots of shit is going down… -
Monday Sep 01, 2003
O ye weary traveler, take comfort at the end of your day. If you h… -
Friday Aug 29, 2003
I think I've pretty solidly located the sources of my internal hostil… -
Tuesday Aug 26, 2003
Hoo-ah! (I know, it sounds way cooler when Al Pacino does it.) We… -
Saturday Aug 23, 2003
I'm beginning to learn as I get older that there are no absolutes lef… -
Friday Aug 22, 2003
the only thing worse than being sick in my opinion, is to have someon… -
Monday Aug 18, 2003
ahhhh welcome back to the normal flow of things y'all. I don't kno… -
Monday Aug 18, 2003
just for fun and giggles, another diatribe. But before we get to tha…