Hmmm- what've I gone and done now? I'm steadily driving off all the folks that might comment on my journal by being my natural asshole self. Ah well, it was bound to happen eventually. I thought Thursday was joking when she said the deal was off because I'm not a gay immature musician. Shit.
In other news, I realized that while I mentioned that I needed to go get a change of address form, I didn't specifically state what now seems to be the obvious (at least to me). Meph found us a place to live. He was even cool enough to send me pictures. The pictures just tossed an old gas can on the already rapidly growing wildfire that is my excitement and anticipation for this move.
The last night I worked (Thursday night) I was to be training the guy who's going to be my replacement. Weird. I don't know if the guy really is a tool, or if I just think he is because the job seems so easy to me now that I've been doing it for almost a year. It's also really boring, because the guy's a horrific conversationalist, and there's lots of time to talk across the night. I just wish I could trade him to the day staff for one of the second shift cats I get along with. Seth, or Scott, or Melissa, or even Stacy, heck even my Boss, I could talk to across the span of a night better than this guy. I've got another 2 shifts working with him this coming Monday and Tuesday nights. Nuts. He kind of reminds me of a cross between one of those Night at the Roxbury guys and what I can only call an aging hipster. He's got all these stories about how he used to be a master bartender and made $300 on a slow night, flew 10 friends to Cancun for fun one Spring Break, got $150 tips, carried at least a grand in cash with him, etc, etc. After every story he says "No lie, man." or "No joke." as if my silence is calling him a liar. I could care less if he is bullshitting me or not, but all I can think is if he made all that dough, why the hell is he working here now? Congrats dude, you've impressed me by showing me you have absolutely NO financial life skills at all. I thought I had money management problems...
I'm really looking forward to this barbecue thing on on the 4th - should be fun to see people I haven't seen in a long time, have a beer or three, and make some food for people to showcase my heriditary talent for the culinary arts, most especially those practiced al fresco.
Of course, at this point there's nothing I'm looking forward to more than July 17 - then I leave and begin the long drive to Portland. Okay, so maybe I'm looking forward to getting to Portland more and the sushi that will follow. But the drive might be fun too. Especially if the Great White one comes with me. (FYI- the great white one refers to a rather pale friend of Meph's and mine from college - he's a great guy, and he's been in China for the last year).
But it will be nice to be done with work. As I look, right about now marks the halfway point down to the hour of my last month at work. My last night is the 30th of this month. It's just like college - I won't miss the work, but I'll miss some of the people it introduced me to. Co-workers, not residents. The residents all suck. Hard. Fuck the children.
Well, that's about all I can think of as far as updates go from America's breadbasket. Oh wait, Mom got a new refrigerator. We're gonna sell my sister's car to send her to Cali. I might have found buyers for my stereo and TV. But you see, it gets pretting boring from here. As if the other stuff wasn't. Anyhoo, my brain's fried. G'night.
In other news, I realized that while I mentioned that I needed to go get a change of address form, I didn't specifically state what now seems to be the obvious (at least to me). Meph found us a place to live. He was even cool enough to send me pictures. The pictures just tossed an old gas can on the already rapidly growing wildfire that is my excitement and anticipation for this move.
The last night I worked (Thursday night) I was to be training the guy who's going to be my replacement. Weird. I don't know if the guy really is a tool, or if I just think he is because the job seems so easy to me now that I've been doing it for almost a year. It's also really boring, because the guy's a horrific conversationalist, and there's lots of time to talk across the night. I just wish I could trade him to the day staff for one of the second shift cats I get along with. Seth, or Scott, or Melissa, or even Stacy, heck even my Boss, I could talk to across the span of a night better than this guy. I've got another 2 shifts working with him this coming Monday and Tuesday nights. Nuts. He kind of reminds me of a cross between one of those Night at the Roxbury guys and what I can only call an aging hipster. He's got all these stories about how he used to be a master bartender and made $300 on a slow night, flew 10 friends to Cancun for fun one Spring Break, got $150 tips, carried at least a grand in cash with him, etc, etc. After every story he says "No lie, man." or "No joke." as if my silence is calling him a liar. I could care less if he is bullshitting me or not, but all I can think is if he made all that dough, why the hell is he working here now? Congrats dude, you've impressed me by showing me you have absolutely NO financial life skills at all. I thought I had money management problems...
I'm really looking forward to this barbecue thing on on the 4th - should be fun to see people I haven't seen in a long time, have a beer or three, and make some food for people to showcase my heriditary talent for the culinary arts, most especially those practiced al fresco.
Of course, at this point there's nothing I'm looking forward to more than July 17 - then I leave and begin the long drive to Portland. Okay, so maybe I'm looking forward to getting to Portland more and the sushi that will follow. But the drive might be fun too. Especially if the Great White one comes with me. (FYI- the great white one refers to a rather pale friend of Meph's and mine from college - he's a great guy, and he's been in China for the last year).
But it will be nice to be done with work. As I look, right about now marks the halfway point down to the hour of my last month at work. My last night is the 30th of this month. It's just like college - I won't miss the work, but I'll miss some of the people it introduced me to. Co-workers, not residents. The residents all suck. Hard. Fuck the children.
Well, that's about all I can think of as far as updates go from America's breadbasket. Oh wait, Mom got a new refrigerator. We're gonna sell my sister's car to send her to Cali. I might have found buyers for my stereo and TV. But you see, it gets pretting boring from here. As if the other stuff wasn't. Anyhoo, my brain's fried. G'night.
CONGRATULATIONS! on your move to Portland. I'm excited to meet you. Let me know when you begin the journey westward.
Thanks for the warm wishes re: Miss Tallahassee. And as for my business partner, I had dinner with him last night and got things back on track. I'll keep you and Josh in mind next time though.