well there's bad news, worse news, and good news.
bad news - work still sucks
worse news - work sucks harder than ever, i.e. that bonus I've been counting on that was to help get me to Portland I've found is not coming. At all. Ever. It's a myth. Fucking swine. Pigs. I spit on your grandmother's graves and I curse your children to die of syphilis.
now the good news - thanks to fierce re-negotiation by the general manager and soon-to-be owner of the Cedar Falls Fighting Privateers, the current owners are receiving a settlement deal to be paid out over the course of the next year in monthly installments and in exchange they are paying the new owner one lump sum payment and relocating the team to Portland. In other words, even though my bonus turned out to be a second cousin to Harvey the Rabbit, I'm still going to make it to Portland, and in fact, faster than I thought. We're talking like in a month or so. Yeeeaaahhhhh.
I was half asleep in the recliner the other day after work - actually so tired that I couldn't be troubled to go get in bed. But then a most miraculous thing happened. Rocko's Modern Life came on. At like 5pm on Nickelodeon. Man, that just woke me up like a Starbucks being built on my pineal gland. I love Rocko's Modern Life, in my mind the best thing since Ren and Stimpy, and right up there with Spongebob and Samurai Jack / Dexter's Lab. I miss Rocko.
So yeah, soon, I come, like Death the shatterer of worlds, bringing doom to all those unfortuante enough to be in my immediate vicinity. Damn am I excited.
bad news - work still sucks
worse news - work sucks harder than ever, i.e. that bonus I've been counting on that was to help get me to Portland I've found is not coming. At all. Ever. It's a myth. Fucking swine. Pigs. I spit on your grandmother's graves and I curse your children to die of syphilis.
now the good news - thanks to fierce re-negotiation by the general manager and soon-to-be owner of the Cedar Falls Fighting Privateers, the current owners are receiving a settlement deal to be paid out over the course of the next year in monthly installments and in exchange they are paying the new owner one lump sum payment and relocating the team to Portland. In other words, even though my bonus turned out to be a second cousin to Harvey the Rabbit, I'm still going to make it to Portland, and in fact, faster than I thought. We're talking like in a month or so. Yeeeaaahhhhh.
I was half asleep in the recliner the other day after work - actually so tired that I couldn't be troubled to go get in bed. But then a most miraculous thing happened. Rocko's Modern Life came on. At like 5pm on Nickelodeon. Man, that just woke me up like a Starbucks being built on my pineal gland. I love Rocko's Modern Life, in my mind the best thing since Ren and Stimpy, and right up there with Spongebob and Samurai Jack / Dexter's Lab. I miss Rocko.
So yeah, soon, I come, like Death the shatterer of worlds, bringing doom to all those unfortuante enough to be in my immediate vicinity. Damn am I excited.
Hmm. Plagiarized? Not entirely sure I like the sound of that.
I'm excited you're excited. But I'm not taking any provocative pictures.