This week is going to be crazy. Valkyrie is getting her chest piece worked on this monday, which i am excited about. Chris McMillen the guy that she is going to does amazing color work, and I just can't wait to see what he does next. He works at a reall good shop up in LaGrange called Ink Well, if you are in the area there is really no better place than there. Anyhow Tuesday is the full dress rehearsal for Grotesque Burlesque which Valkyrie is in. There were going to be having me run a spot, but who knows what they will be putting me up to. I guess I will find out. I have been to a few of their rehearsals, and they are an awesome bunch of ladies. Wednesday I am going to Chris up at inkwell when i get off work to get my chest finished. I am looking at anywhere from 4-6 hours worth of work he said. I hope it's more like four. Tuesday I will rest,...maybe. The Grotesque Burlesque might be rehearsing that night, I don't know. the Friday night, oh friday night, The Grotesque Burlesque will perform thier one year Aniversery show at the Main Street Lounge, and from what i have seen so far, you do not want to miss it. so that is my week.
For those of you that didn't know, my birthday is quickly approaching, but not to worry if you don't know what to get me, I have two Wishlists, Here, and here, just incase. I am pretty sure i can just keep wishing though.

For those of you that didn't know, my birthday is quickly approaching, but not to worry if you don't know what to get me, I have two Wishlists, Here, and here, just incase. I am pretty sure i can just keep wishing though.

I love the guy.
Tell him Mary from E-town says hi!
xoxo -Shi