Sprint sucks ass. I have insurance on my phone, I have to pay for it every month. Well i had Sanyo picture phone (the first all in one camera phone to ever come out), and I loved that phone. It was a tough phone, I had it for almost 2 years, which is long for a cell phone. Well when the LCD screen went bad, I had to see if the insurance plan worked,... well it didn't. I went in and they gave me a Audiovox piece of shit phone when they couldn't fix mine. I explained that the Av phone wasn't near as good, and not what I paid my insurance for. He disagreed, telling me it was just as good if not better. Well about 6 months later, it isn't better, it died. Not only did it die it wouldn't power back on which means I lost everynumber, email address, everything. To replace that phone, they gave me an even worse LG. When i asked why they didn't have the AV any more, all he could tell me was they quit carrying it. Which I take to mean it was a peice of junk. I just don't get it. I bought a Sanyo, and that's what i want replaced. It would be like replacing a pair of Doc Martens with a pair of Sketchers. Not that there is anything wrong with Sketchers, but they aren't Doc Martens. Kinda like a DaeWoo, isn't a Sony,...do you get what i am saying. By the time I am done they are going to give me two cups and a string. I would think if they didn't carry or make a phone with my old phones exact specifications that they would give me the next best thing, not the next worst thing? It's just bad business really.
Anyhow, if you have my number call me, because I no longer have your number, and would like to have it back. When I got upset about not getting my phone book out of my phone, he told me I should of came in and had a hard copy printed out. I should have said "well, you should have given me a phone that didn't suck ass."
anyway, call me.

Anyhow, if you have my number call me, because I no longer have your number, and would like to have it back. When I got upset about not getting my phone book out of my phone, he told me I should of came in and had a hard copy printed out. I should have said "well, you should have given me a phone that didn't suck ass."
anyway, call me.

You must come see my new tattoo, you will like it.

i am not friday