What a crazy past few days. I got rear ended yesterday, that kinda sucked,....at the time. The guy hopped out os his car and was very apollogetic, and asked me to not fild a police report because he didn't have insurance, and that he would pay for any damages. Having been in that situation before, and my car didn't really look that bad, well I had no time to make a decission. A cop pulled up in the opposite traffic lane, and asked if we were ok, we both said yes, then he asked if we wanted to file a police report. I could tell this guy was sweating waiting for my answer. I told the cop that is was ok, and we exchanged information. I felt bad for the guy, I don't know why? You could tell he had money though, he accidently let his policy lapse. Turns out he is a tennis pro, at some tennis club. Anyhow I went today to get the quote. Now the bumber on my car looks almost unharmed, A few minor scrape abd a slight tear near the plate, but you can't see it till you get up on it. That little tear cost a lot of money, because to fix they they have to replace, and paint the whole bumper,...$733 worth. I called him today and told him the verdict, and without hesitation he asked if i would like a check, or cash, and thank me profusely for being a good guy and not involving the cops. So since i am such a nice guy, and since my bumper looks fine I am getting some much needed ink, I can't wait to have this in full color
and finish up Valkyrie's while were at it. I am so excited.

and finish up Valkyrie's while were at it. I am so excited.

Give me a call ... my schedule just changed to Sun-Thur 9:30 am - 6:30 pm ... word ... plus ... uh ... I can't find you damn number .. haha.
[Edited on Sep 23, 2005 2:44PM]