Just to add to the strangeness that is our dog Logan, we were just sitting around the otherday, and we heard this awful snoring, almost human like. Upon further inspection we found that it was in fact Logan. Now a dog snoring in itself isn't all together strange. The strange part was while snoring, sound a sleep he had his eyes open. The bastard sleeps with his eyes open.
I saw the Exorcism of Emily Rose the other night, and It was pretty good. I had to pee the whole movie almost, so that kinda of impared my experience. We were sitting dead center in the row, and the theater was packed, there was no getting up. Valkyrie had to go to half way through, but we both soldiered through. I had a few problems with the movie, but it kept me entertained, so it did it's job. All the previews before the movie sucked too, not a good one in the bunch.
I don't know if she is still feeling bad, hopefully not, but Maddy got her wisdom teethe taken out. I talked to her Friday night and she sounded like I said, she probably feels better now, but drop by, and wish her well.

I saw the Exorcism of Emily Rose the other night, and It was pretty good. I had to pee the whole movie almost, so that kinda of impared my experience. We were sitting dead center in the row, and the theater was packed, there was no getting up. Valkyrie had to go to half way through, but we both soldiered through. I had a few problems with the movie, but it kept me entertained, so it did it's job. All the previews before the movie sucked too, not a good one in the bunch.
I don't know if she is still feeling bad, hopefully not, but Maddy got her wisdom teethe taken out. I talked to her Friday night and she sounded like I said, she probably feels better now, but drop by, and wish her well.

Things are good again!