I think our dog Logan, may be a bit on the crazy side. For a number of reasons I have come to this conclusion, but the one that sticks out is what he started to do the other night. He got himself all worked up, Lipstick, red rocket, what ever you want to call it. That in itself is fairly normal, but them he start to hump his own face. Most dogs find a leg, or a stuffed animal or something. Not Logan, for him, his face was his best option. I wish we had video of some sort so you could see what I am talking about. He is insane, that is all there is to it.
I love crazy dogs! ARRRRR
please let me know asap im going to order at the end of this week.
I will need about $50 for everything and will have to make a mold of your head after everything comes so i think we still have time to do this.
ok get back with me