Things keep getting better. I got a call from a corrections officer today, which at first scared me. I was running through my memories trying to figure out what the hell I did. Turns out I sent them a resume' and they want me to come out and fill out an app to be a corrections officer likeSpooky520. It would be a great job, making about 7 grand more a year than what i would be making with the current job I am taking. That would be crazy being a corrections officer. I would be able to hang out with some of my freinds with the job too.
Valkyrie, and I got an awesome dog yesterday. The only bad thing about him is he has been pissing everywhere. Anybody got any tips on potty training? Anyhow he is super quiet, and very well tempered. I don't even think I heard him bark once. I can already tell he is smart, and very loving and calm for a 9 month old dog/puppy. He is a sheperd collie mix, and we have been told he looks like a short haired collie. I'll put pictures up soon. His name is Logan, and we are going to get him a name tag that says "Logan: Weapon X", yes we are geeks.

Valkyrie, and I got an awesome dog yesterday. The only bad thing about him is he has been pissing everywhere. Anybody got any tips on potty training? Anyhow he is super quiet, and very well tempered. I don't even think I heard him bark once. I can already tell he is smart, and very loving and calm for a 9 month old dog/puppy. He is a sheperd collie mix, and we have been told he looks like a short haired collie. I'll put pictures up soon. His name is Logan, and we are going to get him a name tag that says "Logan: Weapon X", yes we are geeks.

Take him outside every 3 hours (good estimate is how many months his is = hours he can hold pee!) Ask him if he has to go potty, tell him "Logan, potty outside"
When you take him out, stay with him outside till he does his business. Constantly reward him with praise while and after he does his business!
When he has an accident in the house, NEVER yell at him for it- instead pick him up and take him outside, the whole time telling him "Logan potty outside". Even if he finishes peeing inside, still take him outside.
Our pup rings a bell when he needs to go outside. If you want me to tell you about that, I'd be happy to!
Best Wishes,
[Edited on Jul 14, 2005 5:06PM]