Ok, Valkyrie, and I went to panera bread for lunch today, and it was delicious as usual. As we were getting ready to leave I stood up, and an old lady that was sitting behind us by herself stood up at the same time. We were both going the same direction, so I offered politely to let her go first. Well she decided to go first, but not before looking me over, and reaching back to grab her purse to take with her while she got a refil. Are you serious, do I look like a two bit thug that would steel an old ladies purse. Oh well, I kinda thought it was funny.
I just love the look on the little dogs face.
I didn't write about this when it happened because of everything else that happened, but it was pretty funny. A while back, after dinner while sitting around with Val's rents I got a phone call. It was one of those Phone calls, where you don't really know who is calling you, but they sound somewhat familiar so you hang on to figure out who they are,...well this was one of those.
Me: Hello
Lady: Hello, how are you.
Me: I'm pretty good how are you.
Lady: I'm ok, what are you doing?
Me: Just sitting around.
Lady: Oh ok.
Me: So what are you up to tonight
(I was hoping her answer to this question would give me some kind of insight into who she was)
Lady: Well I was kinda hoping you would get over here so we can mess around (in a sexy voice)
Me: Oh,....uh,....what.
Lady: I wanna mess around.
Me: I think you might have the wrong number.
Lady: Oh my god, I am so sorry, I am so so sorryoh my god.
Me: No big deal.
Lady: So what's your name (as if to say"you will do")
Me: (my name here) But I am going to go now.
Weirdest phone call ever.
I just love the look on the little dogs face.

I didn't write about this when it happened because of everything else that happened, but it was pretty funny. A while back, after dinner while sitting around with Val's rents I got a phone call. It was one of those Phone calls, where you don't really know who is calling you, but they sound somewhat familiar so you hang on to figure out who they are,...well this was one of those.
Me: Hello
Lady: Hello, how are you.
Me: I'm pretty good how are you.
Lady: I'm ok, what are you doing?
Me: Just sitting around.
Lady: Oh ok.
Me: So what are you up to tonight
(I was hoping her answer to this question would give me some kind of insight into who she was)
Lady: Well I was kinda hoping you would get over here so we can mess around (in a sexy voice)
Me: Oh,....uh,....what.
Lady: I wanna mess around.
Me: I think you might have the wrong number.
Lady: Oh my god, I am so sorry, I am so so sorryoh my god.
Me: No big deal.
Lady: So what's your name (as if to say"you will do")
Me: (my name here) But I am going to go now.
Weirdest phone call ever.

I would not leave my purse near a

I'm going with Lavidity... you are a
ya know. Your goal in life is to aquire booty....