It's been a very fast paced week, but when I look back on it not much has really happened. We shot Valkyrie's set,....actually Maddy shot it, I was just invited along to get in the way. And get in the way I did. I think it turned out really well. There are a lot of stories I could tell, but that would give away the suprise of the set, so you all will just have to wait.
Tonight is Poison's drunken pool party. There should be a lot of people there,....minus Sophie. Sophie was going to be there but her flight was cancelled. I understand, but i was really looking forward to meeting her. She always has the most interesting journal entries. I will probably be getting drunk, and making a fool of myself anyhow. Strike that, I will be getting druk and making a fool of myself.

Tonight is Poison's drunken pool party. There should be a lot of people there,....minus Sophie. Sophie was going to be there but her flight was cancelled. I understand, but i was really looking forward to meeting her. She always has the most interesting journal entries. I will probably be getting drunk, and making a fool of myself anyhow. Strike that, I will be getting druk and making a fool of myself.


hope you had fun!