The security gaurds in our mall are by far the worst ever. They aren't allowed to do anything really, they aren't allowed to carry pepper spray, and they aren't intimidating in the least.
The other night as I locked up my store, and I said bye to Baby Shoes (the other girl i was working with) and I started to help the hot topic kids take out their trash. While doing so I realized I had left my cell phone in my store, and I had to go back and get it. Loss Prevention, has hidden cammeras in our store, and lately they have been know to spy on us and watch us close. So i knew i couldn't just run back in the store and grab it. I needed a security gaurd to check me out when I came out of the store to make sure I didn't take anything, so if there was any question later, I would have their word to back me up.
As I am walking to my store a security gaurd approaches me, and asks what i am doing. I didn't really know what she meant so i pointed, and said i work right there. Well what are you doing back in the mall after hours. I then told her her about how I had left my cell phone in he store, and how I need her to wait for me outside of my store to chack me for merchandise when i came out. She looked baffled, did i mention her face looks like that of a cabage patch doll, except xavier roberts wouldn't put his signature on her ass if his life depended on it. Most un-intimidating security officer ever. Anyhow she asks why i don't just wear it on a hip clip (pointing to hers). Well i am not suppose to have a have a cell phone on me while i am working. She then asks why i didn't put it on a hip clip when i left. I just stood there baffled for a second,.....did you miss the part of the conversation where i said i forgot my cell phone in side,....FORGOT.
I went in, got my phone, and on my way out she says if they have any issues tell them to call Cojack. Cojack not being her real name, but you get the picture.

The other night as I locked up my store, and I said bye to Baby Shoes (the other girl i was working with) and I started to help the hot topic kids take out their trash. While doing so I realized I had left my cell phone in my store, and I had to go back and get it. Loss Prevention, has hidden cammeras in our store, and lately they have been know to spy on us and watch us close. So i knew i couldn't just run back in the store and grab it. I needed a security gaurd to check me out when I came out of the store to make sure I didn't take anything, so if there was any question later, I would have their word to back me up.
As I am walking to my store a security gaurd approaches me, and asks what i am doing. I didn't really know what she meant so i pointed, and said i work right there. Well what are you doing back in the mall after hours. I then told her her about how I had left my cell phone in he store, and how I need her to wait for me outside of my store to chack me for merchandise when i came out. She looked baffled, did i mention her face looks like that of a cabage patch doll, except xavier roberts wouldn't put his signature on her ass if his life depended on it. Most un-intimidating security officer ever. Anyhow she asks why i don't just wear it on a hip clip (pointing to hers). Well i am not suppose to have a have a cell phone on me while i am working. She then asks why i didn't put it on a hip clip when i left. I just stood there baffled for a second,.....did you miss the part of the conversation where i said i forgot my cell phone in side,....FORGOT.
I went in, got my phone, and on my way out she says if they have any issues tell them to call Cojack. Cojack not being her real name, but you get the picture.

"All ye who shall plot to desert, or having deserted shall be captured, shall have ye heads split open."
I thought it had more of a religious thing behind it, but I guess it's about pirates. Either way, I love it much much much. So morbid