It appears the conservative republicans aren's fans of the Star Wars? They are saying that Lucas is equating the current administration with the sith, and the clone wars, and the darkside with the war in Iraq. Which is funny because Attack of the Clones came out before the war in Iraq. George Lucas said "It is just one of those re-occuring things. I hope this doesn't come true in our country. Maybe the film will awaken people to the situation of how dangerous it is . . . The parallels between what we did in Vietnam and what we are doing now in Iraq are unbelievable." Then they reffered to his quote by calling him --George "Michael Moore" Lucas.
This was their retort in regards to Stars Wars EpisodeIII Revenge of the Sith, and George Lucas. "sorry folks...we know this one hurts, but this idiot does not deserve our money. We are at war and to fan the flames of anti-Americanism around the globe is irresponsible and dangerous. George Lucas will never see a dime of my money again." They go on to say they Lucas is a communist because he said the Vietnam war was a bad war? Have they seen the movie? The Jedi are fighting to bring democracy back to the Republic. When did being anti war make you anti American? It sounds to me that somebody is feeling a a bit guilty about their war. How in the hell else do you align yourself with Darth Vader and the Sith's dark side. How would you be able to find simularities when it is just a general moral of war is wrong.
How arogant do you have to be to think that Lucas would spend the better part of his life putting together his Star Wars saga to end it with the most anticipated fild of all 6, and it be a commentary on the Bush administration?

You can bet your ass you'll see me there Sat.
I heard about that. I thought is was hilarious!