I saw Unleashed with Jet Li last night, and was pleasently suprised. Now i am not saying that it was a great movie, but it was way more than I expected from a Jet Li movie. He did a really good job portraying the innosence of the character. I was very impressed. Some of the fight scenes were a little excesive, but it did get the point across.
Tonight was an interesting night. Valkyrie, and I started out the night eating at the Cheba Hut, best subs in town. Then we made our way over to
, the best music shop in Louisville. On our way out we ran into the beautiful MistiDawn. She probably thought I was some crazy guy, as I stopped her and called her by her SG name. She is even more pretty in person though, I will say that. Her pictures don't do her justice.
After that we met our friend Tanna at the strip club. Completly Tanna's idea I promise. She got hit on by some old dude that looked like your dad's golf buddy. I could see him stairing at her. On our way out if asked if we (meaning Tanna) wanted to go to the peep show ith him. When we said no, he assured us it was free. What a creepy guy.
Driving away from the club I saw the car,....oh wait, let me give you some back sory. this is from my journal on mother's day ("On the way out to my car I noticed an old model Volvo parked across from us. It had an SG sticker on the back of it. Val and I both got excited. Here we were leaving a yaht club, and here was another SG lover. We scribbled our names on a few stickers i had in my pocket, and left them on her door. I say her because i saw a bikini drying in the front seat.") Ok, that said we are leaving the strip club, and sure enough right there beside of us is the same old model Volvo.
Only this time it had not one, but two SG stickers on the bumper. I am guessing one of the ones we gave here. We pulled up beside her, and flashed her an SG sticker, she smiled and gave us the thumbs up, as we had to turn away. Who are you Volvo girl. A week to the day I see that car again, that is just too crazy. I know it was the same Volvo because it also had this sticker.
I don't know why, but for some reason it bothers me I don't know this person. Louisville is not that small to see the same Car, in a completely different side of town. I promise I am not crazy.
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions. Any 3, no matter how personal, dirty, private, or random. I have to answer them honestly. In turn, you have to post this message in your own journal and you have to answer the questions that are asked to you

Tonight was an interesting night. Valkyrie, and I started out the night eating at the Cheba Hut, best subs in town. Then we made our way over to

After that we met our friend Tanna at the strip club. Completly Tanna's idea I promise. She got hit on by some old dude that looked like your dad's golf buddy. I could see him stairing at her. On our way out if asked if we (meaning Tanna) wanted to go to the peep show ith him. When we said no, he assured us it was free. What a creepy guy.
Driving away from the club I saw the car,....oh wait, let me give you some back sory. this is from my journal on mother's day ("On the way out to my car I noticed an old model Volvo parked across from us. It had an SG sticker on the back of it. Val and I both got excited. Here we were leaving a yaht club, and here was another SG lover. We scribbled our names on a few stickers i had in my pocket, and left them on her door. I say her because i saw a bikini drying in the front seat.") Ok, that said we are leaving the strip club, and sure enough right there beside of us is the same old model Volvo.

Only this time it had not one, but two SG stickers on the bumper. I am guessing one of the ones we gave here. We pulled up beside her, and flashed her an SG sticker, she smiled and gave us the thumbs up, as we had to turn away. Who are you Volvo girl. A week to the day I see that car again, that is just too crazy. I know it was the same Volvo because it also had this sticker.

I don't know why, but for some reason it bothers me I don't know this person. Louisville is not that small to see the same Car, in a completely different side of town. I promise I am not crazy.
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions. Any 3, no matter how personal, dirty, private, or random. I have to answer them honestly. In turn, you have to post this message in your own journal and you have to answer the questions that are asked to you

what do you do with your boogers after you pick them?
if you could do anything tomarrow what would it be?