Halloween is just around the corner, I am so excited. Lavidity's party is going to be really cool. I can't wait to see his House in all it's spooky glory. Things with CherryBomb327, abd I seem to be going pretty good, so that is on the right track. We both decided to go as Tarentino characters. I am going as Mr. Blond after he gets shot, and she is going as Mia Wallace after she OD's, it should be kick ass. Lavidity said he would help me with my make up. I am cutting it close, but I almost have all my costume pieces. This weekend is just going to be crazy. I am working some crazy hours for the DCCC. Between my job with Maddy, and the DCCC I don't think I have had a day off in like a month. My next day off is saturday,....after the election. I can't wait, I am going to sleep all day.

im glad your busting your ass.. tomorrow ill be doing the same thing getting people to vote.. =) i admire u kid
Time to lay down ya chips son! Who will be the winner!?