I bet you all are wondering if I have died, due to my lack of journal entries, and comments. I am sorry. Not having a computer, combined with the fact that I am working hard to get John Kerry, in office, and take over the house with some fresh Dems. I will be able to rest after Nov. 2nd, and hopefully things will get back to normal. I took CherryBomb327 to a young democrats meet up,....I think she was bored out of her mind. I just hope pizza made up for it.
I went to ShawnApt2 place last night to film some bits for his TV show. It looked like things are going to come out reall well. I just hope he like my work, and decides to use me again. Melly filmed a bit too, amd her scene is funny. Good stuf all the way around. I know I am forgetting something,.....Oh yeah go to Lavidity's Halloween party,....I'm out
I went to ShawnApt2 place last night to film some bits for his TV show. It looked like things are going to come out reall well. I just hope he like my work, and decides to use me again. Melly filmed a bit too, amd her scene is funny. Good stuf all the way around. I know I am forgetting something,.....Oh yeah go to Lavidity's Halloween party,....I'm out

read the last entry
Where are ya? Boy.. your really startin to piss me off you piggly armed sonofabitch! call me!