Last week went I went to the Edwards coctail party as a volunteer, I hung out with another volunteerm names Tim. We drank, talked politics, and just had a good time. Later that night he introduced me to his boyfriend. I had no clue he was even gay, and I can usually pick up on that stuff. Well he invited me to his 40 b-day party tonight, so I didn't want to be rude (free meal) so I went. It was nothing but gay men. If there was a man in there he was gay, and boy were there men in there. First off his house was amazing, and all these guys were dressed to impress. I'm not talking suiys or anything, but they were all dressed very nicely. There I was, black spikey hait, chucks, and a Jolly Roger t-shirt. Needless to say you could tell I was the straight boy at the party. Not a very hard game of "which one of these was not like the other". It was a good party though. Beer, and food, and good political conversation. I could have really asked for anything more.
I left there though to go see Shaun of the Dead with Maddy, ShawnApt2, MonkeyTail, and a few other non-SGer's. It was an very entertaining movie. Not a spoof like I had thought, but still very funny. You gotta love that British humor,
I went earlier today to scout a location for CherryBomb327's set. It is perfect, every thing I wanted in a location. It was ther first place I went too, and now my search is over. For some reason though I am going to look at another location on Sunday my friend told me about. I can't imagine it being any better, but if it is then great. I am excited now, I have a location, a theme, a good digital camera, and a beautiful subject, what more could I ask for?
I left there though to go see Shaun of the Dead with Maddy, ShawnApt2, MonkeyTail, and a few other non-SGer's. It was an very entertaining movie. Not a spoof like I had thought, but still very funny. You gotta love that British humor,
I went earlier today to scout a location for CherryBomb327's set. It is perfect, every thing I wanted in a location. It was ther first place I went too, and now my search is over. For some reason though I am going to look at another location on Sunday my friend told me about. I can't imagine it being any better, but if it is then great. I am excited now, I have a location, a theme, a good digital camera, and a beautiful subject, what more could I ask for?


your political involvedness makes me ...i dunno.. i wish i was like that! BUT I AINT! i miss u kid.. school.. is my whole LIFE!
its funny you should say that...the laverne and shirley song is my ringer for when stina calls...go figure