So yesterday was the rock the vote event, and we kicked ass. We registered 40 democrats, and the republicans were ashamed to devulge to the rock the vote promters how many they got. Maked you wonder how you can really ever believe any polls really. I didn't wear sun screen though, and now I am paying the price, my face is fried, blisters and all. I should be heal;ed though with in the next few days. We were selling Kerry gear yesterday at our booth, but if some didn't have the money, and was crazy enough we would give them a shirt if they danced in front of the Bush booth with a Kerry (stronger America) sign for a certain amount of time. What do you expect,....the bands weren't good and I got bored. It was very entertaining, one guys did it just for the hell of it. It was a good time.
I think I might be shooting a set for CherryBomb327. I hope I don't fuck it up. I use to paint and sculpt so I think I have a pretty good eye for things. The trick I think is going to be getting the lights right, and finding a place to shoot it. Hopefully things will come together. They usually do
I think I might be shooting a set for CherryBomb327. I hope I don't fuck it up. I use to paint and sculpt so I think I have a pretty good eye for things. The trick I think is going to be getting the lights right, and finding a place to shoot it. Hopefully things will come together. They usually do