Last night was the burlesque show, and it was amazing. Pearl with her hula hoop routine stole the show as far as i am concerned. I am going to hold off writing my review until after the wednesday show, because i really wasn't impressed with Sluts of Trust. I'm hoping they are better on wednesday so it can bring the score up to a ten. If i were just to judge it on the girls it would be a ten, but i have to review the whole show. I thought Bloom was suppose to open up, instead they had this curly bushy haired scrawny white guy wearing a girls tennis shirt, and sweat pants circa 1984, come out and rap. He was amazing, he rapped about stuff like dungeons and dragons, and being gay, he was just great. He went by the name Cracker Jackson, and he is my new hero. Afetrwards I talked to few of the girls, and they were very sweet. I talked to RavenIsis, and she was very genuine, and that accent was so hot. They should just have routine where she comes out and reads Shakespear, that would be so hot. Reagan is so adorable. I went up and introduced myself to here as pyrate, and her face kinda scrunched up. She thought we had talked before, and she felt bad because she didn't know who I was. It was ok though because we have never chatted before. True sweetheart that one. My interview was with Pearl, (my new favorite) and she gave me a great interview. I need to just sit down and review the tape so i can really listen to it. There is a lot of back ground noise, and I don't want to mis quote anyone. Anyhow is was a great show, and I can't wait to see them again at the Southgate house.

im glad you had fun. are you the guy that gave us all those cds with the pirate on the front?