This whole Reagan thing is kinda funny. Don't get me wrong I don't hate the guy like I hate bush, but it is funny how he is a saint in death. I actually hear a journalist of soe sort say he was the best president of the 20th century. Are you serious? Does anyone remember Rosevelt, JFK, either of them reing a bell. I don't her anybody toting him about how he never mentioned the AIDS virus, which helped it spread through the 80's, trickle down economics? He is dead, and yes it is sad, and yes his love story with Nancy was great i am sure, but c,mon, greatest president of the 20th century?
i only wish i could get sexxy about sometype of eats like this woman did. SHE WAS LITERALLY MAKING LOVE TO THE CHICKEN WING WITH HER MOUTH!! I SWEAR TO YOU!
somehow, i dont consider someone who lllegally sold arms to known terrorist countries to be a great president.
maybe its just me.