It is amazing the difference a month can make.
A month ago my wife left me, and really just blamed me for everything while she took responsibility for nothing. At that time I thought life was crumbling down around me, everything was falling apart.
Let me go back a bit. In June the clutch went out in my car which is a very expensive fix that I didn't really have money for. Well the very next day I get laid off from my job, making the likely hood of me being able to fix it slim to none.
After that the play that I was working on, which after I lost my job I put everything into bombed, and the money we were promised we never got.
Not to worry though I still had vacation to look forward to, which was already paid for. Well family vacations are a bad idea. I won't be going into specifics but my relationship with my father is changed forever, and my eldest step brother is now dead to me.
Then a month ago my wife leaves me as I stated above. We had been having issues for a long time, and I was willing to work on those issues. but as the old saying goes "you can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink". Well the water was right there but she would have none of it. When your wife tells you she doesn't love you and no amount of counselling will change that it burns a little bit. After the sting subsides I started to look within myself and evaluate how I felt. I say I loved her and I did, or atleast I thought I did. With that said things change. The more I thought about the struggle within the relationship, and how I was always walking on egg shells I realized that I may be better off, that this could be a new beginning.
I surrendered to it and began to follow my feelings and not the vows that meant nothing anymore. Now things are starting to come around. I am finally getting my car back from the shop today, I have a good beat on a job, and I am I guess dating a great girl.
I know it seems sudden, and I would be lying if I didn't say I agreed with you. This girl (who will remain nameless at the moment) is a girl that I actually knew and had a thing for well before I met my soon to be ex wife. We have always remained in limited contact as friends through the years. Well this past week we started to hang out and things are going great. Turns out she always had a thing for me too. The problem was neither of us were ever single at the same time. The thing that worries me is I don't want her to be the "rebound". I hope what keeps me from falling prey to the "rebound" is our history, fingers crossed. Considering all the crap that I have gone through in the past year or so I couldn't be happier right now. I just hope I don't find a way to screw it up.

A month ago my wife left me, and really just blamed me for everything while she took responsibility for nothing. At that time I thought life was crumbling down around me, everything was falling apart.
Let me go back a bit. In June the clutch went out in my car which is a very expensive fix that I didn't really have money for. Well the very next day I get laid off from my job, making the likely hood of me being able to fix it slim to none.
After that the play that I was working on, which after I lost my job I put everything into bombed, and the money we were promised we never got.
Not to worry though I still had vacation to look forward to, which was already paid for. Well family vacations are a bad idea. I won't be going into specifics but my relationship with my father is changed forever, and my eldest step brother is now dead to me.
Then a month ago my wife leaves me as I stated above. We had been having issues for a long time, and I was willing to work on those issues. but as the old saying goes "you can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink". Well the water was right there but she would have none of it. When your wife tells you she doesn't love you and no amount of counselling will change that it burns a little bit. After the sting subsides I started to look within myself and evaluate how I felt. I say I loved her and I did, or atleast I thought I did. With that said things change. The more I thought about the struggle within the relationship, and how I was always walking on egg shells I realized that I may be better off, that this could be a new beginning.
I surrendered to it and began to follow my feelings and not the vows that meant nothing anymore. Now things are starting to come around. I am finally getting my car back from the shop today, I have a good beat on a job, and I am I guess dating a great girl.
I know it seems sudden, and I would be lying if I didn't say I agreed with you. This girl (who will remain nameless at the moment) is a girl that I actually knew and had a thing for well before I met my soon to be ex wife. We have always remained in limited contact as friends through the years. Well this past week we started to hang out and things are going great. Turns out she always had a thing for me too. The problem was neither of us were ever single at the same time. The thing that worries me is I don't want her to be the "rebound". I hope what keeps me from falling prey to the "rebound" is our history, fingers crossed. Considering all the crap that I have gone through in the past year or so I couldn't be happier right now. I just hope I don't find a way to screw it up.