Things have been going well lately. Before Christmas I bought a brand new car, '06 drove it right out of the show room with 17 miles on it. I had taken my car into the shop, and while it was being fixed I walked across the street to the dealer ship, and just decided to get a new car instead. I'm still not sure if that was the smarted thing to do or not?
New years was great, first of what I hope to be many with Dina.

there were fire breathers, and ice sculptors. The ice sculpting wasn't that hot, but the fire was really cool, yes pun intended.
and yes. alcohol can make even Maddy, and I dance.

New years was great, first of what I hope to be many with Dina.

there were fire breathers, and ice sculptors. The ice sculpting wasn't that hot, but the fire was really cool, yes pun intended.
and yes. alcohol can make even Maddy, and I dance.

thanx for commenting on my set!

I'll take it so the group doesn't go ownerless