it has been crazy lately. I think I am catching onto the new job. It is really hard to trouble shoot internet connectivity issues when you really aren't technologicaly minded, but I am getting the hand of it. I think the art show went well too. No one bought my stuff, but to be honest I didn't expect anyone too. The subject matter isn't something most people want hanging on their walls. Here are some pics of my paintings that BlackSpot took
Truth, and Lies
Strings Attached
Cupid's Poisoned Tips
It kind of felt like a release getting all of that out there, and I had a lot of great friends show up and support me. It was a good night all in all.

Truth, and Lies

Strings Attached

Cupid's Poisoned Tips

It kind of felt like a release getting all of that out there, and I had a lot of great friends show up and support me. It was a good night all in all.

and . . . recipe time!!
Homemade Marshmallows
2.5 tbsp unflavored gelatin
1 cup cold water
1.5 cups sugar
1 cup light corn syrup
.25 tsp salt
2 tbsp vanilla extract
confectioners sugar (lots!)
candy thermometer
Whisk gelatin and .5 cup of water. Let stand 30 minutes. In a small saucepan, mix sugar, syrup, salt and the rest of the water. Stir over low heat until sugar siddolves. Heat to 244 degrees on high: take of heat immdiately. Using an electric mixer, beat into gelatin slowly, gradually increasing speed, until think and tripled in volume, about 15 minutes. Add vanilla. Dust an 8x12 glass baking pan with sugar. Pour mixture into pan. Dust top with sugar. Let stand overnight, uncovered. Cut into 1.5" squares with a dry, hot knife, and dust with more sugar. Yields about 40.
1. Doing the greasing/fouring method except substituting conf. sugar for flour seems to help.
2. When cutting the marshmallows have a good dishtowel and a kettleful of boiling water handy. If the knife gets too dirty, pour boiling water over it in the sink until clean and dry really well. Repeat it as needed.