Well another show down in the history of Grotesque Burlesque. We played another show at the Bulldog cafe, and the show went awesome, as they always do. The girls in the show have an uncanny ability to mold themselves to any stage, and any situation, and in turn molding the audience into fans. I however had a rougher time. At the Bulldog there is no backstage/dressing rooms, and doing a Burlesque show this is something you drastically need. Well in order to acheive this we have to block off the main route to the smoking area, and block bands from getting to their equipment. Not fun at all. Normally people are very respectful of what we have going on when we tell them thay can not come through. Reasons being, we have girls changing, and girls coming off and on stage in huge heels, and any change in the backstage ie; a stranger in their way can cause problems. The best is when a smoker wanting to cut through proclaims he won't look at the naked girls changing,..... sure you won't? I must have almost gotten in atleast 3 fights last night. I don't know what it was with this crowd. I take it back it wasn't the crowd, it was a few bad apples, that is all. At one point Venomiss had to step in, and I am so glad she did. There was way to much testosterone stewing around, and some one would have gotten hurt, most likely me, but these things happen. I have a problem with not backing down. But she was able to see the problem, and realize it needed a womens touch. A littel estrogen to delute all that damned testosterone. We usually play little goth shows, and those people are so respectful, and cool, and understanding. I always mess with the goth kids (not in a shitty way), and last night I missed them. For sure one of the most stressfull 45 minutes i can ever remember. nikonphoto80, and BlackSpot both came out to see the show, and seemd to enjoy it though. I think they saw/heard me get angry. It's a rare thing for me to get angry, but it happened. After the show Valkyrie, Blackspot, NikonPhoto80, and our friend, and burlesque girl Tammera Manerra went and chilled at acafe', I really needed that chill time, and it was good to be with friends, instead of could be foes.
and now for something to make everyone smile. I am stealing this from
Blythe's journal, who stole it from Steve_Huge's journal. It is long but it is woth the watch. I just can't figure out if they are making fun of the backstreet boys, or if they are serious, and that is the best part.
Check out the Asian Backstreet Boys here.

and now for something to make everyone smile. I am stealing this from
Blythe's journal, who stole it from Steve_Huge's journal. It is long but it is woth the watch. I just can't figure out if they are making fun of the backstreet boys, or if they are serious, and that is the best part.
Check out the Asian Backstreet Boys here.


I don't mind missing beer. It doesn't even smell appealing. And screwdrivers make me so happy, so who am I to complain?

that bulldog cafe....sheesh...