I seriously love this site. With the ability to update via my cell phone I may just update this thing constantly. Now I just need more friends to read it...
I also love my PSP. Version 2.0 of the PSP OS came out finally and I got it today. It rox SO hard. The internet browser, which I didn't think would do much more than a cell phone would, but it is SO much better than that! I can actually play KoL on it! And chat! And about a bajillion other things I never thought I would be able to do with it. It also plays m4p files now so all those stupid itunes files can go on for my enjoyment. It also displays a bunch of different image file types it previously couldn't and you can even set a wallpaper. My quality of life has improved dramatically this day. - pykus
I also love my PSP. Version 2.0 of the PSP OS came out finally and I got it today. It rox SO hard. The internet browser, which I didn't think would do much more than a cell phone would, but it is SO much better than that! I can actually play KoL on it! And chat! And about a bajillion other things I never thought I would be able to do with it. It also plays m4p files now so all those stupid itunes files can go on for my enjoyment. It also displays a bunch of different image file types it previously couldn't and you can even set a wallpaper. My quality of life has improved dramatically this day. - pykus
KOL! zomg! I want. *makes grabby hands*