I just got yelled at for being late today. I'm kind of annoyed, both at myself and at my co-worker. I was late and I deserved the yelling. I'm annoyed that I got so lazy as far as being on time is concerned. My boss was called on his vacation because no one was here at 10:15. My co-worker was scheduled in at 9:00. Things happen, I understand that, but things are happening much more often with her than they should. Mostly I'm okay with that. I'll pick up the slack when it falls to me to do so, but everything that happens with her makes my piddling 20 minutes late seem much more serious. Had someone already been here not one person would have noticed that I was not. >:| That being said I can't argue that I didn't deserve it anyway. It's ultimately a good thing 'cuz it woke me up. I'll do a better job because of it, but until my annoyance wears off I'm not going to be very thankful about it...
Jeremy came over after he got out of work last night. It was cool. We chilled out, talked, griped and watched food network until Kel, my ex-wife, got home.
It really annoys me that Emeril's audience feels the need to ooh and aah after evertything he does. Emeril puts garlic in something - Ooooohhh! (No one but Emeril would have made such a daring and creative move! NO ONE!) Emeril puts alcohol into something - Aaahhhhhhh! (Don't tell the audience the alcohol is gonna evaporate before he goes to commercial.) Emeril says "Bam! Kick it up a notch!" as he grinds pepper - ::THUNDEROUS APPLAUSE:: The men are humbled in his presence and the women writhe in extasy as they touch themselves and lick their own nipples in the presence of the great master... Alton would kick Emerils ass with his own skillet before severing his vocal cords with his favorite kitchen knife so the world will never again be subjected to another "bam." (But not before explaining *why* it's hs favorite kitchen knife and explaining what you should look for when buying one of your own. :-) Thanks Alton.)
Jeremy and I got beer last night. It was tasty. Yuengling is the greatest beer evar. That's the honest to god reason I was late today... I forgot to check that the alarm was set correctly. I'd never have made that mistake while sober. Oh well. Live and learn.
Jeremy came over after he got out of work last night. It was cool. We chilled out, talked, griped and watched food network until Kel, my ex-wife, got home.
It really annoys me that Emeril's audience feels the need to ooh and aah after evertything he does. Emeril puts garlic in something - Ooooohhh! (No one but Emeril would have made such a daring and creative move! NO ONE!) Emeril puts alcohol into something - Aaahhhhhhh! (Don't tell the audience the alcohol is gonna evaporate before he goes to commercial.) Emeril says "Bam! Kick it up a notch!" as he grinds pepper - ::THUNDEROUS APPLAUSE:: The men are humbled in his presence and the women writhe in extasy as they touch themselves and lick their own nipples in the presence of the great master... Alton would kick Emerils ass with his own skillet before severing his vocal cords with his favorite kitchen knife so the world will never again be subjected to another "bam." (But not before explaining *why* it's hs favorite kitchen knife and explaining what you should look for when buying one of your own. :-) Thanks Alton.)
Jeremy and I got beer last night. It was tasty. Yuengling is the greatest beer evar. That's the honest to god reason I was late today... I forgot to check that the alarm was set correctly. I'd never have made that mistake while sober. Oh well. Live and learn.