Alright. I've found a new home. Figuratively I mean. I went with my friend Karl to a Kingdom of Loathing meeting in Baltimore this weekend. We left Saturday morning and got to the hotel and there were like five other people there already and they were all really cool. They had gotten there the day before and had stayed up late drinking so when we got there at about 10AM or so we woke them up after about half a nights rest. One girl. the cousin of a real player but that has never played herself (we dubbed her LizardBreath) was quite grumpy about that, but everyone was really cool.
The first thing I really liked about it was the fact that people were all known by their screen names. Most didn't even bother introducing with BOTH names, just their nicks. They were not only really good people, but they were a collection of people all quirky in their own ways and very open to to the quirkiness of others. Truely an amazing group. I mean, there's something to be said about a group of more than a handfull of people into which Karl Dark fits perfectly from a personality standpoint. There was much talk of sex, anal mostly, and a great deal of very manly affection being displayed and people were so cool with everything. There was no ridicule or talking bad about people behind their backs. There were plenty of insults being hurled back and forth, but only in a spirit of haumor and everyone was a good sport.
We went and played lasertag which was loads of fun but tired me out way more than I had expected. We met up at the lasertag place with a bunch of players that live in that area (I'm guessing there were about 17 of us or so at that point.)
We had intended to go swimmin in the pool at the hotel, but that closed about 10 minutes after we went down so we didn't bother. We also meant ot go to some strip club, but we spent too much time with all the other things to be able to go and get back to the hotel in time for the show.
KoL has a web based radio station and we had a special show from the meet. One of the regular DJs, amplitude, came and brought all his equipment and we did a 4 hour show in his room. I think I recall someone saying that we had about 10,000 listeners. I don't know if that's someone's guess or what, and I might have remembered the number wrong 'cuz I was totally shitfaced, but it was a large number in any case. I don't remember this happening very well, but aparently there's a soundbite of me getting my ass slapped repeatedly by several members of both sexes. I'm looking forward to hearing that.
I remember talking to this one dudes girlfriend and going on about how cool he was and stuff like that. She came to get him and take him home and I thought that was the sweetest thing that she would do that for him. It was fun.
The subject of my penis size came up. I didn't whip it out or anything, but I promised a pic to one of the girls there. :-)
I had LOTS of alcohol and I wasn't the only one. There's nothing like getting totally drunk with a bunch of other people who are also getting totally drunk. I also ran into some guy named Barry who was there for some wedding. He was the drunkest person in that entire city that night, and he was cool as shit. I even met his aund and wife (who was totally hot.) I wanted him to com visit us on the air and he never showed.
I ended up sleeping in the same bed with Karl who cuddled me all night. He's a big fucking guy and when he moved he changed the entire landscape of the bed. I'd just be laying there and when he would move I'd be laying at a totally different angle. It was funny.
When we woke up Karl and I went down to eat breakfast, but they were all out of the waffles they had been serving so I had to settle for the top part of a crappy blueberry muffin. It held me over okay.
I met these people almost exactly 24 hours before and they were reluctant to part company. It was awesome to have that kind of connection and sad to have to had to bring our good time to a close. We all hugged goodbye and went home. Karl and I stopped at Waffle House for a proper breakfast and I had the most awesome grits evar. The people there were all nice too.
I drove the rest of the way to Levittown which made me only the second person to drive Karl's car. The first was his mother. I felt special.
After all that I got to come home to see my children who were very happy to see me. That was definitely one of the best times of my life. I can't wait to go to another KoL meet.
The first thing I really liked about it was the fact that people were all known by their screen names. Most didn't even bother introducing with BOTH names, just their nicks. They were not only really good people, but they were a collection of people all quirky in their own ways and very open to to the quirkiness of others. Truely an amazing group. I mean, there's something to be said about a group of more than a handfull of people into which Karl Dark fits perfectly from a personality standpoint. There was much talk of sex, anal mostly, and a great deal of very manly affection being displayed and people were so cool with everything. There was no ridicule or talking bad about people behind their backs. There were plenty of insults being hurled back and forth, but only in a spirit of haumor and everyone was a good sport.
We went and played lasertag which was loads of fun but tired me out way more than I had expected. We met up at the lasertag place with a bunch of players that live in that area (I'm guessing there were about 17 of us or so at that point.)
We had intended to go swimmin in the pool at the hotel, but that closed about 10 minutes after we went down so we didn't bother. We also meant ot go to some strip club, but we spent too much time with all the other things to be able to go and get back to the hotel in time for the show.
KoL has a web based radio station and we had a special show from the meet. One of the regular DJs, amplitude, came and brought all his equipment and we did a 4 hour show in his room. I think I recall someone saying that we had about 10,000 listeners. I don't know if that's someone's guess or what, and I might have remembered the number wrong 'cuz I was totally shitfaced, but it was a large number in any case. I don't remember this happening very well, but aparently there's a soundbite of me getting my ass slapped repeatedly by several members of both sexes. I'm looking forward to hearing that.
I remember talking to this one dudes girlfriend and going on about how cool he was and stuff like that. She came to get him and take him home and I thought that was the sweetest thing that she would do that for him. It was fun.
The subject of my penis size came up. I didn't whip it out or anything, but I promised a pic to one of the girls there. :-)
I had LOTS of alcohol and I wasn't the only one. There's nothing like getting totally drunk with a bunch of other people who are also getting totally drunk. I also ran into some guy named Barry who was there for some wedding. He was the drunkest person in that entire city that night, and he was cool as shit. I even met his aund and wife (who was totally hot.) I wanted him to com visit us on the air and he never showed.
I ended up sleeping in the same bed with Karl who cuddled me all night. He's a big fucking guy and when he moved he changed the entire landscape of the bed. I'd just be laying there and when he would move I'd be laying at a totally different angle. It was funny.
When we woke up Karl and I went down to eat breakfast, but they were all out of the waffles they had been serving so I had to settle for the top part of a crappy blueberry muffin. It held me over okay.
I met these people almost exactly 24 hours before and they were reluctant to part company. It was awesome to have that kind of connection and sad to have to had to bring our good time to a close. We all hugged goodbye and went home. Karl and I stopped at Waffle House for a proper breakfast and I had the most awesome grits evar. The people there were all nice too.
I drove the rest of the way to Levittown which made me only the second person to drive Karl's car. The first was his mother. I felt special.
After all that I got to come home to see my children who were very happy to see me. That was definitely one of the best times of my life. I can't wait to go to another KoL meet.