I talked to her again tonight. I can't seem to sleep 'cuz I keep thinking about her. Things went well. I'll be tired tomorrow, but it will have been worth it.
I seriously love this site. With the ability to update via my cell phone I may just update this thing constantly. Now I just need more friends to read it...

I also love my PSP. Version 2.0 of the PSP OS came out finally and I got it today. It rox SO hard. The internet browser, which I didn't think would do much more than...
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KOL! zomg! I want. *makes grabby hands*
Testing. Testing. Update from my cell phone. If this works it will make Suicide Girls my favorite blog evar! :-) - pykus

Dude, it totaly worked!
I just got yelled at for being late today. I'm kind of annoyed, both at myself and at my co-worker. I was late and I deserved the yelling. I'm annoyed that I got so lazy as far as being on time is concerned. My boss was called on his vacation because no one was here at 10:15. My co-worker was scheduled in at 9:00. Things...
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Alright. I've found a new home. Figuratively I mean. I went with my friend Karl to a Kingdom of Loathing meeting in Baltimore this weekend. We left Saturday morning and got to the hotel and there were like five other people there already and they were all really cool. They had gotten there the day before and had stayed up late drinking so when we...
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I hate Windows. I really do. I can't wait to get my computer back so I can have Linux. I got this awesome Ubuntu Linux CD when I was at YAPC and I'm itchin' to use it. Of coures, I'm mad right now 'cuz I couldn't play X-Com, and moving to Linux will take me farther from that goal, but that's besides the point... At...
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Geek. wink

[Edited on Aug 11, 2005 8:06PM]
I really intended to update this with pics and all today, but you'll have to wait 'cuz I just got my hands on one of the greatest games of all time: X-Com: UFO Defense! See you tomorrow. :-)
I'll be updating this for real very soon. I'm sorry I don't have any pics up yet. I've just been very busy. Lots of cool things have been happening and I'll be writing about them as soon as I can. I'll prolly write something on the Palm Pilot tonight and post it in the morning... Drop me a line if you like. I'm a friendly...
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