Thanksgiving was a bit lackluster as holidays go. Everyone in my family was hanging out with the families of their significant others on Thanksgiving itself, so my family got together yesterday (Friday) instead. I misunderstood the timing. It started at 10:30 AM and I thought it was supposed to be 1:30 PM. When we finally arrived it only took like a half hour before everyone...
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I have so much work to do and I don't want to do any of it.
New userpic! *drool*
That's my baby.
While I'd still love you if you had hair, the bald really gets me goin. I'm not sure why.
[Edited on Nov 21, 2005 1:58PM]
That's my baby.

While I'd still love you if you had hair, the bald really gets me goin. I'm not sure why.

[Edited on Nov 21, 2005 1:58PM]
dont do it then mate,lol.......take the day off n get wasted!!!!1
Meggery is teh hawtness. <3
I had a good day today. Very productive. I got to go home tonight, rest and
play KoL while chatting with my homies online. I'm very excited about that.
I love chatting on KoL more than I'd have ever expected and more than I
think most people would believe. These are definitely my people. Meg just
send me a link...
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I had a good day today. Very productive. I got to go home tonight, rest and
play KoL while chatting with my homies online. I'm very excited about that.
I love chatting on KoL more than I'd have ever expected and more than I
think most people would believe. These are definitely my people. Meg just
send me a link...
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I love you. Talk to you when you get home....

I love my job. I really do but I really don't wanna go today. I keep staying up late at night talking to Meggery
and I keep not feeling like waking up. It's worth it though
It's going to be way too long until I get to see her again.
My boss just called. Time for me to leap into action. Bye.

My boss just called. Time for me to leap into action. Bye.
I'm feeling pretty blah today. I had a good time so far this weekend. Xerthok and Nicomaniac came down from New York and hung out with me and Karl. ADH and Krodoc were supposed to come, but that didn't work out.
I think that my recent state of mind is the result of the fact that I'm not yet where I want to be in...
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I think that my recent state of mind is the result of the fact that I'm not yet where I want to be in...
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Well. Today was interesting. My co-workers and I were relocated accross the call floor to desks that suck. That was bad enough, but one of the desks is a bit more private and I wanted it and my co-worker, who has worked at this job for as many months as I have years and is mediocre on her best day, decided that she should have...
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hitchhiker's guide is a kick ass book, I love that quirky style of british humor... it's the reason my favorite author is Neil Gaiman (who i met in NYC this tuesday!!!) The movie was okay, but I really want to see the BBC tv version, I hear that was great.
As a nurse in training, holy shit! I'm going to personally beat your boss' boss into submission until he gives you health insurance! Glad your day got better though :o)
As a nurse in training, holy shit! I'm going to personally beat your boss' boss into submission until he gives you health insurance! Glad your day got better though :o)
Gah, LOVE Good Omens... speaking of which: at the NYC reading, signing thing, Neil brought mock ups of two new editions of GO that are being published, very cute! Here is a picture: Good Omens Cover Mock-Ups
I hurt my back yesterday. It didn't seem so bad at the time, but now I'm in a lot of pain. I'll get over it I'm sure, but for the moment I'm very uncomfortable. Every once in a while I find a position that doesn't hurt so much. I gotta go fill out a report of something 'cuz it happened at work and I don't...
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misery under glass is badass
I love KoL. Actually what I really love is my clan. I love having a useful role in a comunity of great people. I installed an arcade on our clan website. YQM had to fix up the database 'cuz he shares it with some store apparently, but I did all the rest. I'm very proud of it. I have never really done anything like...
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ok, even after going to the KoL site (and i get that it's a game) i still have next to know idea what you're talking about. what's a YQM and a PSP and a PHP? at least i know Hitchikers Guide - but i'm guessing you don't mean the book. I feel like i'm drifting in some alien world after reading this entry.... HELP!!! ;o)
YQM = YellowQuestionMark (He's a friend of mine. A fellow KoLer and the owner of the website that my clan's forums are on. He rules.)
PHP = A computer programming language of sorts. (It used to stand for Perl Hypertext Preprocessor, but not so much anymore.)
PSP = Play Station Portable (Think of a Gameboy that plays movies and mp3s and lets you browse the net and a whole crapload of other stuff.)
And The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie is coming out on DVD soon (if not today in fact...) and I hope that it is available for the PSP, and if it is I'm gonna buy it.
WHat can I say? I'm a geek.
[Edited on Sep 14, 2005 2:49AM]
PHP = A computer programming language of sorts. (It used to stand for Perl Hypertext Preprocessor, but not so much anymore.)
PSP = Play Station Portable (Think of a Gameboy that plays movies and mp3s and lets you browse the net and a whole crapload of other stuff.)
And The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie is coming out on DVD soon (if not today in fact...) and I hope that it is available for the PSP, and if it is I'm gonna buy it.
WHat can I say? I'm a geek.

[Edited on Sep 14, 2005 2:49AM]
I'm annoyed. I went to exchange my PSP for a new one because the old one had a few pixels that weren't working and the one I exchanged it for has more broken pixels than the first one did.
Yesterday was a very intense day at work. I finished a project that I've been working on for four days and it turned out great. My...
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Yesterday was a very intense day at work. I finished a project that I've been working on for four days and it turned out great. My...
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Ha dude, I will remember to stop by and show it to you the next time I have it on at work, which is a lot.
wait a sec, can you get to SG at work?! You BASTARD!
wait a sec, can you get to SG at work?! You BASTARD!
09/05/05 12:37:04 AM - Welcome back to the Kingdom of Loathing. Noob.
Welcome to SGPhilly.
Sorry it took so long, I've been way too busy these past couple weeks 

RAWK! I've *so* been waiting for that! :-)
I wrote a letter today. I was very happy with how it turned out. I'm sharing it here, misspellings and all, so you can know this about me and in the hopes that some of you might like it and tell me so. :-)
I went back and read some more of the stuff you posted and did some thinking. When you said you...
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I went back and read some more of the stuff you posted and did some thinking. When you said you...
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well done on the letter; i think it says everything quite eloquently.
I don't know what to say. I'm not exactly speechless I just have so much to
say and it all wants to come out at once. It also wants to be expressed
beautifully and I'm trying to force it and that doesn't work. I keep forcing
it because I want it out. I want to not feel so full inside and because
maybe if I...
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say and it all wants to come out at once. It also wants to be expressed
beautifully and I'm trying to force it and that doesn't work. I keep forcing
it because I want it out. I want to not feel so full inside and because
maybe if I...
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