Setsuka- Clouded Over Cloudy perfection
Sunni- Love Like Flowers Perfect face, Emma Watson lookalike
Havana- Fresh Orchid Light and bright
EllieRoxy- Kozmic Blues A little English flower
Satelina- As I Wish I would wait on her hand and foot!
Daizeee- Just Friends A bespectacled little cutie pie! Reminds me of
Lee too!
Emanuelle- Playground Love Intense and beautifully done.
Jupiter- Giggly Such a great energy
HelenJade- Bedroom Talking I can't tear my eyes away from her.
Modest- Shy and Brave Blue eyed and gap toothed- too damn cute
Opale- La p'tite deche You can see that this is a natural situation between Opale and Dwam, just with a camera this time
Lullabee- Calor Suave That dollface is too cute!
Discordia- Apple of Discord The colours will mesmerize you
Vassilis- It Just Is A completely wonderful debut, its also a bonus that shes from SA and totally lovely.
Hloya- Red Tape Such bravery has produced much beauty!
Fraise- Coral Sands she is so deserving of a front page spot, this set is lovely
Lolana- 13 McKibbins St Such a cool location and wow that face!
Hanke- Animal Boy Gawky sexy that is so rare and awesome.
PixieStixx- Down at the Den A beautiful lady in a stunning natural setting
Nouveaux- Mighty Morphin A lovely English rose
Mittens- Loitering Sexy and brave
Floxy- After Classes I'd stay after class for this Ukranian beauty.
ToriaRussia- Love Lockdown Those baby blues and those cheekbones! Seriously drool!
Episkey- Go Go Gryffindor Cute and nerdy and endearing and lovely.
Benten- Breathless Plain and simple raw sexuality
Pogoe- Memphis A beautiful and inviting set.
Isaaq- Hotel Room A red headed bombshell that would suit pink very well.
Paprika- No Regrets Too cute! I love those big eyes.
Geisha- Heartbeat Shes so cute and she hasn't been on the front page for so long!
PeggySue- Vermillion Such red headed sexiness is unresistable
Sia- Sunday Morning A white haired bombshell
Asio- Leopard Yet again she has brought a sweet sexiness to a set that should be bought no doubt
Kief- More Than Meets The Eye So sexy and with such lovely eyes.
Tore- Dreamy A beautiful set, Tore is at her peak!
Kendyy- Too Cute The happiest eyes and the most wonderful hair!
Leilee- Waiting On A Ride Such a cutie and great colours!
Mitska- Only Comes Out At Night A sweetheart who deserves to be pink
Euphoriasis- Le temps d'un ete Delicate beauty
Jaeci- la Cartomancienne Androgenous beautifulness
Hayle- Red Ninja Beautiful blue eyes
Tangerine- My Sweet I can't get over those fiery eyes
Szuter- Bleed Out I love her hair, the HUGE eyes and the flow of the set.
RubyRose86- Inspire What a babe, perfect boobs too.
Heathen- Civilised Facade What a babe!
Clio- Facciamo l'amore Really sensuous
Puffin- Royal in the Afternoon She's SOOOO cute
Canelle- Projections Very original.
Clare- il cielo in una stanza A classic beauty
Lillamy- Rising Down Ethereal and lovely
Lumo- A Strange Fortune Yet another beautiful set.
Ilithyia- It Can Be Unique beauty
Louisiana- Classic Truly stunning!
Aadie- Grey Ocean Poetic
Cendres- Le Bout Du Monde A fantasy!
Nita- Red Delicious So sexy!
Aeterna- Purrfect Specs Really beautiful
Stellaris- Rapunzel Am breathtaking set, shes well overdue a front page slot.
LikaLorelei- A Little Wonder What a stunner, really they grow them well in Russia!
SophieB- Back to Black Really beautifully done.
Fabrizia- I Love NY Best bod!
Amarena- SGNES I love the theme and shes so adorable.
Lauretta- Minus Clothes Now thats some sexy maths!
Asio- Panty Shot Cute and I love the glasses
Skyla- Rorschach Original and completely beautiful
Bill- High Tide Great location but it was completely dwarfed by a STUNNING woman
Kohana- Dark Intentions The hottest stalker and a lovely lady
Vida- Lounge Act A wonderful comeback
Klementyna- View From Here I don't know how Holley finds these gems!
Mnemozyne- Che Cha Cha She's like a forest creature
jazon1- Creeper A really captivating set
KimFiction- Berlin Summer Heat- What increbile eyes
Auriga- The Brick House She's got ass for days and shes a lovely person
Casiopea- Furry Animals Daw!! So CUTE!
Milloux- The World Is Yours She can't do anything wrong at all ever.
Asio- Pallid Pale beautifullness " target="_blank">Doxie- Softly Does It She is LONG overdue a front page spot and shes gorgeous.
Scotty- Fort Pleasant Sweet, girly fun.
Asuka- Trapped She intrigues me
UndertakeHer- Hallucination Rain Intriguing and colourful and just lovely!
Carlin- Intimate Soft and pretty, great tattoos too.
Delia- Field of Dreams Those eyes...that smile
Caustic- Fire Inside can't resist a sexy redhead.
Boomie- Exhale So seductive!
Damone- Fading Summer She is smokin' in this set.
Portugal Heat Makes me think of summer holidays, very naked ones
Luana- Light in the Attic those eyes will always hypnotise.
Bounty- Lust The name says it all...
Leandra- Breathless Natural location, purple hair, winner
Ida- Madry Unique beauty at its best.
Lunar- Pugs not Drugs Cute girl, cute pug: Amazing set!
Buellher- Killing Time Curves and curls!
Nicolai- Time To Waste So bright and colourful yet refreshing and different
Cereza- Relaxing Time A beauty that could knock you over!
Sweety- Sweet Needle Everything about this set is endearing and sexy.
Annasthesia- Twilight Dip This has to be it, shes so so sexy!
Ortie- Tumblrer This girl is charming.
Hayle- Wind Swept Be still my beating heart!
Timothee- Today is a Brand New Day She is cute and so alluring.
Nita- After the Storm Icy colours warmed by
Nita's smiles
Milloux- Soaked Ah Milloux...
Dwam- Zelia She is a goddess to me.
Renna- Origins Pretty location and outfit, and those eyes!
Rayde- Steep Decadent and different
Sid- Little Black Dress Sensual
Cianuro- Bittersweet So pretty, cutest face!
Gossip- Upper Class She has stunning eyes and lovely purple hair
Nadeshda- Calm I will never get sick of looking at that face!
Ceci- Get Naked I'm pretty sure its time for a Ceci front page again.
Ukka- One Year Later And shes still too wonderful for words!
Menina- Hidden Place A great combination, Menina is wonderful.
Lolana- Bat Fan I'm a Lolana fan
Paula- Belleza en Roza Because I love her face and her new (or old?) boobs
Cruella- Lofty These colours, those eyes, that face

Otter- Texan Hot Glass A very interesting comeback
Silvi- Flying A simple and lovely set.
Doxie- Cleanse I just can't get enough of that face!
Mnemozyne- Preskipy Wonderful, yet again
Viking- Drink Me Unusual and beautiful as usual
Milky- Coquillages et crustaces Natural beauty in natural location
Gabriella- Off the Wall Lovely colours and a girl that just has something about her.
Antigone- High Riser Clean and crisp
Uva- Magic Board Cute and colourful
Ellia- Ghost of a Smile Angelic!
Thanatogenous- Practice Makes Perfect So much movements and happiness in this set.
Vyro- Vanity Fair Wonderful style, beautiful lighting, photography is incredible and Vyro is just beautiful
Kornalina-Hotel Orleans The most outstanding eyes!
Popcorn- Chocapic She's way more delicious than cereal
Denie- Make Me a Sandwich You have can't help but love Denie!
Hunter- Daydream Nation Casual sexy
Smurfasaur- Phone Home ET and naked lady

Rin- Voyeur A delicate touch, refreshing.
Renna- Je t'aime Those eyes
Megan and Rayde- Afternoon Delight Nom...that is all
Sysca- Oracle Her beauty is captivating.
Shanti- Diamond Fox So elegant.
Savanna- Take Another Little Piece of My Heart Too cute!
Ackley and Luana- First Kiss Beautiful combo, beautiful photography!
Parish- Postmark My Compass Simple and sexy
Apory- The Link Perfect and beautiful.
Caustic- Last Light <drools on the floor>
Zombie- Lazy Winter A cute girl in a cute hat
hkwench- xoxo I'm joining the make this girl pink brigade!
Opale- Salut Ondine delicate and nymph-like beauty.
Doxie- Iuka Cute little elfin beauty!
Suri-Little Bird Just too cute!
BetteJean- Threadless Amazingly perfect!
Kohana- Love & Lust Those eyes will grab you in a second!
Leopoldine- The River Ghost Otherwordly, She is an SG through and through!
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