Mel- Mirror, Mirrir She's like a doll!
Bob and Kemper- Droids you are looking for Do I even need to explain?
Lunar- Pearl Kissed yeah, my friends are hot.
Annasthesia- Geeky Make her the main colour of her set
Gallows- Wood Nymph If only all woods were full of nymphs like these.
Fabrizia- I Love NY Best bod!
Iluvenis- Berries and Tea Gorgeous eyes and she's surrounded by my favourite colour. A winner!
Ultima- More Naked Than You Seriously, drooling on the floor right now!
Amarena- SGNES I love the theme and shes so adorable.
Lauretta- Minus Clothes Now thats some sexy maths!
Asio- Panty Shot Cute and I love the glasses
Skyla- Rorschach Original and completely beautiful
Radeo- Heliotrope So damn cute!
Casanova- Shark Feet SOOO cute
Bill- High Tide Great location but it was completely dwarfed by a STUNNING woman
Sinnah- Love Lost Beautifully shot and modelled, outstanding!
Kohana- Dark Intentions The hottest stalker and a lovely lady
Vida- Lounge Act A wonderful comeback
Klementyna- View From Here I don't know how Holley finds these gems!
Mnemozyne- Che Cha Cha She's like a forest creature
jazon1- Creeper A really captivating set
KimFiction- Berlin Summer Heat- What increbile eyes
Auriga- The Brick House She's got ass for days and shes a lovely person
Casiopea- Furry Animals Daw!! So CUTE!
Milloux- The World Is Yours She can't do anything wrong at all ever.
Asio- Pallid Pale beautifullness " target="_blank">Doxie- Softly Does It She is LONG overdue a front page spot and shes gorgeous.
Scotty- Fort Pleasant Sweet, girly fun.
Asuka- Trapped She intrigues me
UndertakeHer- Hallucination Rain Intriguing and colourful and just lovely!
Quinne- Summer Eve Its Quinne for gods sake, its gorgeous!
Carlin- Intimate Soft and pretty, great tattoos too.
Charlie and Dwam- Self timer The most interesting and sexy multi I've ever seen!
Delia- Field of Dreams Those eyes...that smile
Caustic- Fire Inside can't resist a sexy redhead.
Chrysis- Needful Things Soft and sweet
Boomie- Exhale So seductive!
Damone- Fading Summer She is smokin' in this set.
Lavonne- Rainforest What a damn babe!
Portugal Heat Makes me think of summer holidays, very naked ones
Luana- Light in the Attic those eyes will always hypnotise.
Bounty- Lust The name says it all...
Leandra- Breathless Natural location, purple hair, winner
Ida- Madry Unique beauty at its best.
Lunar- Pugs not Drugs Cute girl, cute pug: Amazing set!
Buellher- Killing Time Curves and curls!
Nicolai- Time To Waste So bright and colourful yet refreshing and different
Cereza- Relaxing Time A beauty that could knock you over!
Sweety- Sweet Needle Everything about this set is endearing and sexy.
Annasthesia- Twilight Dip This has to be it, shes so so sexy!
Ortie- Tumblrer This girl is charming.
Hayle- Wind Swept Be still my beating heart!
Timothee- Today is a Brand New Day She is cute and so alluring.
Nita- After the Storm Icy colours warmed by
Nita's smiles
Milloux- Soaked Ah Milloux...
Pettis- Little Blue Cute as a button!
JessyJames- 9 Lives Curvy and feline
Delaney- Playing Favourites She ticks every box!
Mitska- When The Levee Breaks This girl has been trying for so long! Seriously she deserves to be pink.
Kisska- Mezzanine This face could stop traffic!
Alyeska- Everlasting Light Seriously! those touchable curves? Those golden locks? Winner!
Elliot- Slick This woman is like no other! Wow!
Niko- Lets Make Out Cute as a button!
Dwam- Zelia She is a goddess to me.
Renna- Origins Pretty location and outfit, and those eyes!
Rayde- Steep Decadent and different
Sid- Little Black Dress Sensual
Cianuro- Bittersweet So pretty, cutest face!
Gossip- Upper Class She has stunning eyes and lovely purple hair
Nadeshda- Calm I will never get sick of looking at that face!
Ceci- Get Naked I'm pretty sure its time for a Ceci front page again.
Ukka- One Year Later And shes still too wonderful for words!
Menina- Hidden Place A great combination, Menina is wonderful.
xFakex- Baby Blue She has such a unique face!
Lolana- Bat Fan I'm a Lolana fan
Paula- Belleza en Roza Because I love her face and her new (or old?) boobs
Cruella- Lofty These colours, those eyes, that face

Otter- Texan Hot Glass A very interesting comeback
Jupiter- Le Coup de la Panne A little French gem
Silvi- Flying A simple and lovely set.
Doxie- Cleanse I just can't get enough of that face!
Annaswan- Unsung Bombshell!
Mnemozyne- Preskipy Wonderful, yet again
Viking- Drink Me Unusual and beautiful as usual
Miri- Sand Drifts This has to be THAT set for her
Milky- Coquillages et crustaces Natural beauty in natural location
Gabriella- Off the Wall Lovely colours and a girl that just has something about her.
dabby_dream- Dear Diary Soft and so pretty!
Ainslie- Solitary A girl this pretty will never be solitary
Chevvy- Outlaw Just totally drool worthy, will make you weak at the knees I swear!
Antigone- High Riser Clean and crisp
Uva- Magic Board Cute and colourful
Ellia- Ghost of a Smile Angelic!
Thanatogenous- Practice Makes Perfect So much movements and happiness in this set.
Vyro- Vanity Fair Wonderful style, beautiful lighting, photography is incredible and Vyro is just beautiful
Kornalina-Hotel Orleans The most outstanding eyes!
Popcorn- Chocapic She's way more delicious than cereal
Quinne- Pretty Tied Up She can make knitting hot
Denie- Make Me a Sandwich You have can't help but love Denie!
Hunter- Daydream Nation Casual sexy
Smurfasaur- Phone Home ET and naked lady

Rin- Voyeur A delicate touch, refreshing.
Renna- Je t'aime Those eyes
Megan and Rayde- Afternoon Delight Nom...that is all
Sysca- Oracle Her beauty is captivating.
Shanti- Diamond Fox So elegant.
Savanna- Take Another Little Piece of My Heart Too cute!
Ackley and Luana- First Kiss Beautiful combo, beautiful photography!
Parish- Postmark My Compass Simple and sexy
Apory- The Link Perfect and beautiful.
Setsuka- A Night at Joe's Best boobies!! (and a lovely face ofcourse)
Caustic- Last Light <drools on the floor>
Zombie- Lazy Winter A cute girl in a cute hat
hkwench- xoxo I'm joining the make this girl pink brigade!
Opale- Salut Ondine delicate and nymph-like beauty.
Doxie- Iuka Cute little elfin beauty!
Suri-Little Bird Just too cute!
BetteJean- Threadless Amazingly perfect!
Kohana- Love & Lust Those eyes will grab you in a second!
Leopoldine- The River Ghost Otherwordly, She is an SG through and through!
Sylvan- Earhart If this doesnt go live it will make me sad and mad. Do you want to see me sad and mad? No. So go look
Skyla- Little Wheels All woman! Amazing modelling and photography.
Auriga- Central Park The most unique beauty I've ever seen!
Praesepe- Golden Halo Because she's perfection.
Epiic and Kewpie- Dirty Birds A great multi has to have chemistry but this one also has that little element of fun
Cruella- Piratology Storytime Quirky and sexy and chocful of awesome!
Kali- Cauchemar The atmosphere in this set is amazing!
Viscious- Katacombs Nice location and great hair
You can also check out mine if you like
And the final result is amazing.. I'm dying to see it mr soon :p